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Ord. 16 Payment of Annual Fees, Residential Charges and Other Debts

***Amendments were last approved by the University Council at the meeting on 22 November 2017, with changes taking immediate effect.***

Ordinance on the Payment of Annual Fees, Residential Charges and other Debts

(1) A student shall be liable to pay:

(a) his/her annual fee on the first day of the first term of each academic year or on the first day of his/her registered period of study if this commences later than the first day of the term

(b) any accommodation charges on the first day of each term or on the date when his/her occupation of accommodation commences if this begins on a date later than the beginning of term

(c) any other debt to the University on the day on which such debt is incurred.

(2) No person shall be registered as a student of the University unless he/she has paid study related debts incurred in a previous year. A student who has temporarily withdrawn shall not be allowed to return to the University until he/she has paid any outstanding study related debts.

(3) No student shall be permitted to occupy University accommodation if he/she has any accommodation related debts outstanding from a previous term.

(4) No degree, diploma, certificate or other qualification of the University shall be awarded to any student who is in debt for any study related reason to the University.

(5) Where payment of a residential charge or academic fee is not made within 21 days of a due date an administration fee shall be charged, the amount of which shall be determined from time to time by the Finance and General Purposes Committee. (Addition of ‘academic fee’ subject to confirmation.)

(6) Any grant or payment due to be made by the University to a student in debt to the University may be reduced by the amount of the outstanding debt or may be set off against the outstanding debt.

(7) The Finance Director may, subject to any general directions issued to him/her, agree to payments being deferred and/or made in instalments in cases of hardship or particular difficulty. In any case where the Finance Director exercises his/her discretion to make such arrangements, the student concerned shall not be subject to the sanctions laid down in the Ordinance for students owing debts to the University unless such arrangements are subsequently broken by the student concerned.

(8) Where a student has a significant overdue study related debt or has had their re-registration refused in accordance with paragraph (2) above, their case will be referred to the Finance and General Purposes Committee of the Council.

(9) All students referred to the Finance and General Purposes Committee of the Council will be given at least seven days' notice to appear before it and state their case (or to submit a written statement if the student prefers), accompanied, if the student wishes, by his/her personal tutor, another member of the academic teaching staff or a representative from the Students' Union Advice Centre.

(10) On receipt of a report on the facts from the Finance Director, the Finance and General Purposes Committee of Council, acting on behalf of Council and in pursuance of those powers of Council which Council has decided should be exercised by and through the Committee, will:

(a) make any further enquiries which it considers necessary;

(b) if, following (a), the Committee finds that the student has forfeited his/her right to remain a member of the University, the student shall be so informed and shall cease to be a member of the University upon such date and subject to such conditions as the Committee shall decide.

(11) In exercising any of the powers and functions of this Ordinance, the Finance and General Purposes Committee may delegate its powers to a Sub-Committee appointed for this purpose.