Faculty Education Committee (Medicine) (Disestablished)
At their meetings in June and July 2018, the University's Senate and Council approved the merger of the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Medicine to create a new Faculty of Science Engineering and Medicine with effect from the start of the 2018/2019 academic year. This page remains live to provide an archive.
Terms of Reference
Reporting Structure
Membership 2017/18
Chair (Nominee of the Chair of the Board of the Faculty of Medicine) |
Professor Lesley Roberts |
Two Deputy Chairs |
Dr Kate Owen |
Chair of Faculty |
Professor Aileen Clarke |
Dean of Medicine |
Professor Sudhesh Kumar |
MBChB Programme Director |
Professor Colin MacDougall |
Chair of the MBChB LTQ |
Dr Kate Owen |
Chair of the PGT LTQ |
Dr Debbi Marais |
Director of Postgraduate Research |
Dr Jason Madan |
Faculty Senior Tutor |
Dr Helen Toner |
Assessment Lead |
Michelle Machado |
Undergraduate Development Lead |
Dr David Davies |
Quality Assurance and Enhancement Lead |
Dr Helen Nolan |
Three Education Divisional Leads |
Sam Brace-McDonnell |
Senior Assistant Registrar |
Lorraine Brown (MB ChB Operations Manager) or Rebecca Mole (MB ChB Examinations Manager) (until May 2018) |
Senior PG Operating Officer |
Julie Shore |
Head of Marketing and Communications |
Claire McDonald |
Chief Finance Officer |
Simon Crick |
Representative of the Faculty of Arts |
Professor Beat Kumin (History) |
Representative of the Faculty of Science |
Dr Miriam Gifford (School of Life Sciences) |
Representative of the Faculty of Social Sciences | Dr Jo Angouri (Centre for Applied Linguistics) |
Representative of IATL | Dr Jonathan Heron |
NHS Trust Representative |
Sailesh Sankar |
Four other academics from the Faculty of Medicine |
Dr Richard Cure Dr Anne Green Dr Wendy Robertson Vacancy |
One MBChB student |
Adeola Salau or George Hawker-Bond |
One postgraduate taught student from the Faculty of Medicine |
Joseph Duffy |
One postgraduate research student from the Faculty of Medicine |
Soofiyah Ayaani |
Education Quality Manager (in attendance) |
Graham Hewitt |
Terms of Reference
(a) To consider Faculty-level implementation of the University Education Strategy
(b) To work with the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Chairs of the Boards of the Faculties, Academic Directors and others to develop Faculty-level approaches to key themes such as Employability, Assessment, Joint Degrees, Feedback and other strategic and topical Education matters
(c) To develop and share best practice, enabling all departments to learn from the experience of the best across a range of areas of practice
(d) To make recommendations to the Board of the Faculty in relation to the development of Education policy and practice
(e) To consider departmental progress towards enhancing the student experience, including as recognised in sector metrics
(f) To contribute to ensuring that Faculty-level education provision remains cutting edge and attractive in a competitive marketplace
(g) To advise and report to the Board of the Faculty on all matters relating to the organisation of teaching including curricula, assessment, examinations and wider student experience
(h) To consider and approve, on behalf of the Board, changes to undergraduate modules in the Faculty, pending the availability of Phase 2 of the SITS workflow
(i) To consider periodic reports from Faculty Education Chairs (appointed to represent the Faculty on examination PRPs and appeals committees Investigating Committees; Continuation of Registration Committees and to approve requests from students for unusual options/variations to curricula/variations to methods of assessment and reports from examiners on research theses) on issues arising for broader education strategy
(j) To discharge the above responsibilities across all levels of study
Reporting Structure
The Faculty Education Committee (Medicine) reports to the Board of the Faculty of Medicine.
Click here to see a diagrammatic representation of the Committee Structure.
Secretary: Martin Mik, Assistant Registrar (Teaching and Learning)
Assistant Secretary: Lorriane Brown (Lorraine.A.Brown@warwick.ac.uk)
Papers for consideration by the Faculty Education Committee should be submitted to the Secretary two weeks in advance of the meeting at which they are to be considered.
Dates of meetings of the Faculty Education Committee can be found within the University Committee Timetable.
Click here to access minutes of previous meetings.