Environment and Amenities Committee (Disestablished)
Terms of Reference
Council Committees
Membership 2008/09
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Campus & the Community) (Chair) |
Professor S Bassnett |
Registrar (Chair) |
Mr J Baldwin |
Director of Estates |
Mr R Wilson |
Two members of the Academic Staff appointed by the Building Committee |
Professor C Series |
Two student representatives appointed by the Union of Students |
Curator of the Mead Gallery |
Ms S Shalgosky |
Representative of the Warwick Environmental Network |
Ms J Warren |
University Safety Officer |
Mr I MacKirdy |
Ground Superintendent | Mr R Boxall |
In attendance:
Ms L Pride, Campus Development Architect
Mr C Churchman, University Landscape Architect
Mr M Stacey, Head of Estates Services
Mr N Hilliard, Environment Officer
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Terms of Reference
The terms of Reference of the Environment & Amenities Committee are as follows:
1. To consider policies and issues relating to the maintenance and development of a sustainable campus environment and to make recommendations to the Building Committee.
2. To ensure that appropriate landscaping considerations are taken into account in the development of the University estate and to recommend new landscaping proposals to the Building Committee.
3. To monitor procedures and practices across the University relating to compliance with the University’s Environmental Policy and with environmental legislation.
4. To promote good practice within the University in the conservation of natural resources and reduction of waste and pollutants.
Reporting Structure
The Environment and Amenities Committee reports to the Building Committee
Secretary: Duncan Woodhouse (Duncan.Woodhouse@warwick.ac.uk or ext: 50681)
Dates of meetings of the Environment and Amenities Committee can be found within the University Committee Timetable.
The Timetable is published and updated online and should be referred to when verifying arrangements through the academic year. Hard copies of the Committee Timetable are available from the Deputy Registrar's Office.
Click here to access minutes of previous meetings.