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International Steering Group (disestablished)

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Jump down to Terms of ReferenceTerms of Reference
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Membership 2023/24

The Academic Director (Education and Internationalisation) (Chair) Professor Jo Angouri
The Chairs/Deputy Chairs of the Faculty Education Committees

Dr Marta Guerriero (Arts)

TBC (Social Sciences)

Professor David Davies (Science, Engineering and Medicine)

Head of Student Recruitment Jon Inegbedion
Representatives from the Faculty of Arts

Kelly Mayjonade Christy

Dr Pierre Purseigle

Representatives from the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine

Professor Isabelle Carre

Dr Nikola Chmel

Professor Lucy Hammond

Representatives from the Faculty of Social Sciences

Dr Tom Parr

Dr Ashley Roberts

The Director of Student Opportunity Roberta Wooldridge Smith
Quality and Partnerships Development Manager, Education Policy & Quality Ewan Mellor
The Chair of Internationalisation Learning Circle, WIHEA Dr Bryan Brazeau
Lead of WIHEA Internationalisation Learning Circle and/or co-lead Dr Ross Forman
The Director of International Strategy & Relations Sally Smith
The Deputy Director and Academic Manager, Institute of Advanced Teaching and Learning Caroline Gibson
The Deputy Director of Student Experience Echo Zhou
The Head of Student Mobility Helen Johnson
The International Employer Liaison Manager, Student Opportunity Esther de Perlaky
The Director of International Partnerships Milija Gluhovic
Associate Director, International Strategy & Relations Mike Haymes
Acting Head of the Academic Development Centre Jennie Mills
The President of the Students’ Union Anna Taylor
Student Representative Ruyi Wang

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Terms of Reference

  1. To have an oversight of the strategy for the internationalisation of education, approve an implementation plan and monitor progress towards achievement of strategic goals.
  2. To work with academic departments to lead and facilitate the embedding of forms of internationalisation within academic curricula.
  3. To secure the provision of internationalisation opportunities for students within the University’s co-curricular provision.
  4. To engage in sector benchmarking, to ensure that internationalisation activity is underpinned by insight into sector leading provision.
  5. To reach out to in/formal groupings and networks across the University to engage and draw on expertise relating to internationalisation, fostering an institutional culture of debate and enquiry around internationalisation.
  6. To raise awareness within the student body of the benefits of engaging in international experiences and to seek to ensure students are enabled to articulate the value of these.
  7. To secure internationalisation as a core component of a Warwick degree, communicating this to students and prospective students, contributing to Warwick’s reputation as a centre for excellence in internationalisation.
  8. Through insight into the international student journey, to mitigate any barriers to equity of opportunity on behalf of international students.
  9. To re-design mobility, to develop a new strategic and flexible portfolio of short, long, virtual, and blended mobility opportunities.

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Reporting Structure

The International Steering Group reports into the Education Committee.

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Secretary: Maria Fox, Short Term Mobility Manager, Student Opportunity

Assistant Secretary: Simon Brown, Internationalisation Officer

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Meetings to be held once each term.

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