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Education Committee (Disestablished)

In July 2024, following the 2024 Academic Governance Review, the University Senate and Council approved the disestablishment of the Education Committee, with its business being being redirected to the new Education and Student Experience Committee. This page remains live to provide an archive.

Jump down to MembershipMembership
Jump down to Terms of ReferenceTerms of Reference
Jump down to Reporting StructureReporting Structure

Jump down to Reporting StructureWorking Groups
Jump down to SecretariatSecretariat
Jump down to MeetingsMeetings

Membership 2023/24

Chair, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education)

Professor Lorenzo Frigerio

Deputy Chair, Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education)

Professor Rebecca Freeman

Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education Quality and Standards)

Professor Will Curtis

Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education and Policy)

Professor Andrew Clark

Academic Director (Employability)

Professor Patrick Tissington

Academic Director (Doctoral College)

Professor Daniel Branch
Academic Director (Postgraduate Taught) Lee Griffin

Academic Director (Education and Internationalisation)

Professor Jo Angouri

The Vice-Provosts and Chairs of the Board of the Faculties (or Deputies, as necessary)

Professor Rachel Moseley (Arts)

Professor Michael Ward (Science, Engineering and Medicine)

Professor James Hayton (Social Sciences)

The Chairs of the 3 Faculty Education Committees

Dr Marta Guerriero (Arts)

Professor Georgia Kremmyda (Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine)

Dr Karen Simecek (Social Sciences)

The Chair of the WMS Education Committee (or nominee)

Professor Lucy Hammond

Dean of Students

Dr David Lees

Representatives of IATL, WIHEA and ADC

Dr Elena Riva

Two student representatives appointed by the Students' Union

Holly Roffe (Education)

Vaishnavi Ravi (Postgraduate)

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Terms of Reference

(a) To exercise, on behalf of the Senate, responsibility for the development and oversight of the implementation of the University’s Education Strategy.

(b) To ensure the preparation of periodic reports on the overall operation of the University’s quality assurance and quality enhancement architecture so as to assure the Senate and the Council of the adequacy of assurance arrangements for the University’s education provision and the quality of the student learning experience.

(c) To develop strategies and policies in relation to external quality assurance and enhancement operations including consideration of reports by Government, the relevant funding body and other relevant sector-wide bodies.

(d) To ensure the continuing alignment of Senate committees, University regulations and other elements of academic governance with the requirements of the external quality assurance landscape.

(e) To consider recommendations from the Academic Quality and Standards Committee with respect to the development of policies, regulations and guidance necessary to secure the University’s strategy in relation to quality and standards.

(f) To consider recommendations from the Student Learning Experience and Engagement Committee with respect to the further enhancement of the student learning experience and learning environment.

(g) To advise the Senate, in the light of reports and recommendations from these committees, of strategic matters of which it needs to be apprised in relation to the development, monitoring and evaluation of institutional Education

(h) To set the strategic direction for work in areas such as the Teaching Excellence Framework, the University’s Periodic Review processes, student survey feedback and action planning, interdisciplinarity and Widening Participation.

(i) To make recommendations to the Academic Resourcing Committee to secure the implementation of the University’s Education Strategy.

(j) To consider such other matters referred to it by the Senate.

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Reporting Structure

The Education Committee reports to the Senate.

Click here to see a diagrammatic representation of the Committee Structure.

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Working Groups of the Education Committee

Working Groups of the Education Committee are:

Employability and Skills Working Group

Internationalisation Steering GroupLink opens in a new window


Secretary: Kim Robinson, Deputy Director and Head of Education Policy and Governance

Assistant Secretary: Phil Griffiths, Education Projects & Academic Governance Officer, EPQ

Correspondence should be sent to educationcommittee at warwick dot ac dot uk

Papers for consideration by the Education Committee should be submitted to the Secretary two weeks in advance of the meeting at which they are to be considered.

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Dates of meetings of the Education Committee can be found within the University Committee Timetable.

Click here to access minutes of previous meetings.

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You may also wish to visit:

Education Policy & Quality webpages