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LGBTQUIA+ Taskforce

Please note: The LGBTQUIA+ Taskforce may also be referred to informally as the Rainbow Taskforce

Jump down to Reporting StructureMembership
Jump down to Reporting StructureTerms of Reference
Jump down to Reporting StructureReporting Structure
Jump down to Reporting StructureSecretariat
Jump down to Reporting StructureMeetings

Membership 2024/25

Warwick staff Chairs (one Academic and one Professional Services)

Student Chair

Staff Grade 1a - 5 Representative

Staff CCSG Representative

Warwick Students' Union LGBTQUA+ Officer

Warwick Students' Union Trans Officer

President of Warwick Pride

Representative from ED&I

Representative from Warwick LGBTQUA+ Staff Network

Representative from Post Grad LGBTQUA+ communities

Representative from Warwick Students' Union

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Terms of Reference

1. To advise the Social Inclusion Committee and make recommendations on steps and initiatives to be taken by the University on LGBTQUIA+ matters.

2. To engage and consult a diverse range of people within the LGBTQUIA+ community and their supporters.

3. To raise awareness for the issues faced by the LGBTQUIA+ community at Warwick.

4. To advocate for the welfare of the LGBTQUIA+ community and their supporters within the University community.

5. To represent the needs of the LGBTQUIA+ community at Warwick, and hold the University to account on relevant issues.

6. To bring about positive change for the LGBTQUIA+ community and their supporters at the University.

7. To seek sources of funding for LGBTQUIA+ welfare and campaigning efforts.

8. To approach the above aims with a view to intersectionality.

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Reporting Structure

The LGBTQUIA+ Taskforce reports to the Social Inclusion Committee.

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Secretary: TBC

If you have any items that you would like to be raised at a LGBTQUIA+ Taskforce meeting, or are working on an initiative that might support the goals of the Taskforce, please complete this short contact form. By completing this form you can remain anonymous or provide your contact details if you wish to discuss this further with the Chairs.

You can also contact the Chairs directly on 

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Any staff or student may put forward points of discussion for future LGBTQUIA+ Taskforce meetings.

Agenda items for discussion and invitations to attend meetings will be granted by the Co-Chairs of the Taskforce.

Code of Conduct of Taskforce Meetings

Everybody attending and contributing to a LGBTQUIA+ Taskforce meeting will respect and behave as set out in the Dignity at Warwick Policy and conform to the University of Warwick RegulationsLink opens in a new window (in particular Regulation 29Link opens in a new window); bullying, harassment, racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, biphobia, acephobia, transphobia, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, and similar forms of behaviour will not be tolerated.

In addition, all attendees must respect the confidentiality of others’ identities (sexual or romantic orientation, gender or trans identity), which includes not disclosing said identities to others without the individual's express permission. This includes ‘indirectly’ outing people through social networks via photos, statuses, etc.

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