Open Research Group
Terms of Reference
Reporting Structure
Membership 2020/21
Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research (Chair), or, nominated representative |
Professor Elliot Ludvig (Psychology) |
Appointed academic members |
Professor Theo Damoulas (Statistics/Computer Science) Dr Tom Long (Politics and International Studies) Professor Noortje Marres (Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies) Dr Talar Moukhtarian (Warwick Medical School) Dr Tim Mullett (Warwick Business School) Professor Steve Royle (Warwick Medical School) Dr Rashmi Varma (English and Comparative Literary Studies) |
Librarian |
Anna O'Neill |
Associate Director and Head of Research and Academic Services, Library |
Sofia Fernandes |
REF Manager and Head of Research Planning |
[TBC] |
Research Data Manager, Library |
[TBC] |
Open Research Manager, Library
Yvonne Budden |
Technical Director of Research Computing, Research Technology Platforms |
Matt Ismail |
Head of Portfolio - Research, Information and Digital Group |
Claire Boyes |
Terms of Reference
The Open Research Group will utilise the following definition of ‘Open Research’:
Open Research embodies the principle of openness throughout the whole scholarly lifecycle. ‘Open Research’ is interchangeable with the commonly-used ‘Open Science’ but being more inclusive is the University’s preferred term.
Open Research can be described as:
“…the practice [of research] in such a way that others can collaborate and contribute, where research data, lab notes and other research processes are freely available, under terms that enable reuse, redistribution and reproduction of the research and its underlying data and methods.”
“…an umbrella term that involves various movements aiming to remove the barriers for sharing any kind of output, resources, methods or tools, at any stage of the research process.”
[Quotations from FOSTER (The Future of Science is Open)]
- Be the advisory body for the University regarding developments relating to Open Research and their relevance to the University’s research and other scholarly interests;
- Promote awareness and understanding of issues relating to Open Research;
- Instigate, advise on and support Open Research-related initiatives and practices;
- Make recommendations to Research Committee and other bodies as appropriate on relevant policy, services and requirements.
Reporting Structure
The Open Research Group reports to the Research Committee.
Click here to see a diagrammatic representation of the Committee Structure.
Secretary: Yvonne Budden, Open Research Manager, Library (
Papers for consideration by the Open Research Group should be submitted to the Secretary two weeks in advance of the meeting at which they are to be considered.