University Research Centres
Due to the current University Research Centre review, the establishment of new Research Centres is on hold.
Any queries should be directed to the Secretary of Research Committee, Carole Harris at
Under its terms of reference, the University Research Committee has responsibility for University Research Centres:
‘to oversee and monitor the performance of University Research Centres and recommend to the Senate, in consultation with the relevant Faculty Boards, the establishment and disestablishment of University Research Centres in line with the University’s research strategy.’
Governance of University Research Centres
Research Committee is responsible for the governance of University Research Centres; further details can be found in the attached guidance, which details information on the establishment, dis-establishment, categorisation, review and on-going management of Centres.
Guidelines on University Research Centres
Establishment of University Research Centres
Research Committee is responsible for approving the establishment of any new University Research Centres. Those wishing to propose a new Centre should complete the attached pro-forma and submit to the Secretariat of the Research Committee for consideration and approval by the Committee.
University Research Centre Proforma
The Secretariat will consult the relevant Faculty Boards for feedback and comment prior to final approval. A formal constitution should also be submitted with the pro-forma. Following approval by Research Committee, a recommendation will be made to the Senate and final approval for the new Centre will be given.
Once final approval is given, a University Research Centre can publicise itself as such and it will appear on any official lists or web pages listing University Research Centres. The Centre’s formal Constitution will also be published on the University Calendar.
The attached flow chart represents the process that will be followed for the establishment of a new University Research Centre.
University Research Centre Flowchart
Consideration will be given as to the added value that a new Centre will offer, reputational, intellectual or financial, that could not be achieved through existing structures or Centres.
Categorisation of University Research Centres
University Research Centres are categorised as follows:
- Category I: Independent University Research Centres – these Centres operate under their own cost-code and are subject to oversight by the Academic Resourcing Committee
- Category II: Substantive University Research Centres – these Centres may be interdisciplinary and have some autonomy i.e. they can apply for research grants in the Centre’s name
- Category III: University Departmental Research Centres – these Centres are located within a ‘parent’ academic department and are dependent upon that department; the Head of Department is formally responsible for these Centres
University Research Centres in all 3 categories are reviewed by Research Committee in relation to how they contribute to the University’s research strategy.
Review of University Research Centres
All Category II and Category III University Research Centres will be reviewed by Research Committee on a three year cycle. The Centre will report on achievement against aims and objectives and contribution towards the University’s research strategy, current performance and future plans / aspirations.
Any queries on Research Centre Governance should be directed to the Secretariat of the University Research Committee:
Carole Harris - Secretary (, ext 75733)