Election of Assembly Members to the Senate
What is the Senate?
The Senate is the supreme academic authority of the University, making decisions and recommendations on a range of matters with the aim of promoting the academic work of the University. The Senate usually meets five times each year to consider an agenda which includes a strateigic item for debate as well as reports from committees of the Senate. The membership of the Senate includes Pro-Vice-Chancellors, academic colleagues representing each of the Faculties, and three Sabbatical Officers of the Students' Union. The current membership of the Senate is available here.
What is the Assembly?
The Assembly is constituted, in accordance with Statute 20. It may discuss any matter relating to the University in accordance with its Standing Orders.
Nominations must be proposed and seconded by members of the Assembly and have the written consent of the nominee. An email each sent separately by the nominee, the proposer and seconder is usual. Nominations should be forwarded to Phil Griffiths (senate at warwick dot ac dot uk) on behalf of the Registrar, by 2 November 2017. If more than one nomination is received, an election will be held from 17 - 30 November 2017, in accordance with Regulation 2.3.
If an election is held, information on the candidates and details of their proposers and seconders will be available here.
If you have any questions, please contact Phil Griffiths on extension 50938 or by email at senate at warwick dot ac dot uk.
What is the process for electing members of the Assembly to representation on the Senate?
At a meeting of the Senate held on 12 October 2015, amendments were approved to Regulation 2.3, Regulations Governing the Election of Representatives of the Assembly to Membership of the Senate, which included proposals to elect members electronically rather than a by a traditional paper ballot. If required, a link to the web voting form will be made available here.
Information on the number of votes received by each candidate will be published when the result of the election is published.