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Membership 2024/25

Ex-Officio Academic Leadership

The Vice-Chancellor (Chair)

Professor Stuart Croft

The Provost (Deputy Chair)

Professor Emma Flynn

The Pro-Vice-Chancellors

Professor Lorenzo Frigerio (Education)

Professor Caroline Meyer (Research)

Professor Michael Scott (International)

The Vice-Provosts and Chairs of the Boards of the Faculties

Faculty of Arts: Professor Rachel Moseley

Faculty of Science Engineering and Medicine: Professor Mike Ward

Faculty of Social Sciences: Professor James Hayton

Heads of academic departments delivering degree programmes in the Faculty of Arts (7 members)

Centre for the Study of the Renaissance: Professor Teresa Grant

Classics and Ancient History: Professor David Fearn

School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures: Professor Stuart Hampton-Reeves

Cross Faculty Studies: Dr Jane Webb

English and Comparative Literary Studies: Professor Paulo De Sousa Aguiar de Medeiros

History: Professor Tim Lockley

School of Modern Languages and Cultures: Dr Joanne Lee (co-Head) and Professor Elisabeth Herrmann (co-Head)

Heads of academic departments delivering degree programmes in the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine (10 members)

Chemistry: Professor Pat Unwin

Computer Science: Professor Yulia Timofeeva

Engineering: Professor John Murphy

Life Sciences: Professor Miriam Gifford

Mathematics: Professor James Robinson

Physics: Professor Mark Newton

Psychology: Professor Derrick Watson

Statistics: Professor Jon Forster

Warwick Manufacturing Group (Dean): Professor Robin Clark

Warwick Medical School (Dean): Professor Gavin Perkins

Heads of academic departments delivering degree programmes in the Faculty of Social Sciences (7 members)

Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies: Professor Cagatay Turkay

Economics: Professor Ben Lockwood

School of Education, Learning and Communication Sciences: Professor Fiona Copland

Institute for Employment Research: Professor Chris Warhurst

Law: Professor Andrew Williams

Philosophy: Professor Guy Longworth

Politics and International Studies: Professor Matthew Clayton

Sociology: Professor Ulf Liebe

Warwick Business School (Dean): Professor Andy Lockett

Foundation Studies: Professor Nina-Anne Lawrence

The Dean of Students

Dr David Lees

The Chair of the Senate Committee responsible for postgraduate research

Professor Daniel Branch

The Chair of the Academic Freedom Review Committee

Dr Gavin Schwartz-Leeper (2028)

Ex-officio Professional Services Leadership


The Registrar

Rachel Sandby-Thomas

The Academic Registrar

Adam Child

The Director of Research and Impact Services

Dr Navdeep Bains

The Librarian

Anna O'Neill

Staff bringing subject matter expertise


Six other members of staff bringing expertise and perspectives relevant to the remit of the Senate, appointed by the Senate Nominations Panel







Elected staff representatives  
Six members appointed by the Assembly of whom: four should be academic staff, and two should be professional services staff. Not more than two of the academic staff members appointed by the Assembly should be Professors, however any serving academic representative of the Assembly promoted to Professor during their term of office will be able to complete their full term.

Dr Freeha Azmat (2025)

Dr Elisabeth Blagrove (2027)

Ali Collins (2026)

Professor Charlotte Heath-Kelly (2025)

Dr Bo Kelestyn (2026)

Nuo Xu (2027)

Elected student representatives  
Students' Union Full Time Officers

President: Enaya Nihal (2025)

Vice-President Education: Muneeba Amjad (2025)

Vice-President Postgraduate: Alijah Taha (2025)

Three Faculty student representatives, comprising a diversity of level and mode of study between them, appointed by the Senate Nominations Panel upon the recommendation of Students' Union President

Enobong David-Etesin (PGT) (2025)

James Kimmins (UG) (2025)

Otto Oldridge (UG) (2025)

The year after a member’s name indicates that their term of office expires on 31 July of that year.

In Attendance

Director of Education Policy and Quality (Secretary)
Assistant Registrar (Governance) (Assistant Secretary)
Group Finance Director
Secretary to Council

Terms of Reference

The Senate is the Principal Academic Body, established in Charter and Statutes.

Statement of Primary Responsibilities of the Senate

The Senate is the principal academic authority of the University and responsible for the academic work of the University. The Senate and its committees will govern education, research, and student matters sustainably, inclusively, and transparently, in support of the values, strategy, and regulatory compliance of the University as a whole. The Senate provides assurance to the Council on academic matters.

Terms of Reference of the Senate

Subject to the Charter and Statutes, the Senate has the following powers, duties and functions:

To provide assurance to Council, through reports from its relevant Subcommittees, on:

1. Implementation of the education and student experience, research and other academic strategies.

2. Academic assurance, regulatory and external compliance.

To recommend to Council:

3. Education and student experience, research, and other academic strategies, in support of the University strategy.

4. Matters relating to student welfare/wellbeing, student support and the student experience.

5. Matters affecting the appointment, duties, promotion, and conditions of service of all members of the Academic Staff.

6. New and revised academic and related University Ordinances.

7. The establishment of Faculties and Departments.

8. The establishment of degrees.

9. In partnership with the Council, to promote, maintain and protect the principles of academic freedom and freedom of speech.

10. Any other matter of interest to the University.

To approve:

11. Changes to the Academic Governance Framework.

12. New and revised regulations and policies (which for good reason cannot be delegated to one of the Senate's Subcommittees), including, in particular, those relating to the student lifecycle from admission to graduation, and those relating to academic standards, quality assurance and student outcomes; student discipline and complaints; partnerships, collaborative provision, credit transfer and academic equivalency; the conduct of research and ethics. Subject to approval by the Council where appropriate.

13. Granting of degrees, diplomas, licences, certificates, and other academic distinctions whether by recommendation from a nominated body or by delegated authority.

14. Granting of Honorary Degrees (joint with Council) or other University distinctions.

15. The revocation of any degrees or other distinctions conferred by the University, and all privileges connected with them for good cause.

To appoint:

16. Members of the Senate to be members of the Council as provided for under Statute 5.

17. Jointly with the Council, the Chancellor as provided for in Ordinance 3.

To receive:

18. Regular reports from its Subcommittees, reviewing the discharge of its responsibilities through these Subcommittees on a regular basis and no less often than every five years.


19. To express an opinion on any academic matter pertinent to the University and its affairs.

20. Generally, to exercise all such powers as are or may be conferred on the Senate by the Charter and Statutes and the Ordinances including the power to make Regulations, in the exercise of those powers of the Senate.


The responsibilities of the Senate (and the Vice-Chancellor as Chair of Senate and the Accountable Officer on behalf of the University) are set out in the University’s Scheme of Delegation.

Members of the Senate have collective responsibility, working in the interests of the University as a whole and within the scope of their powers.

Senate has no direct budgetary control or financial decision-making authority. The Academic Resourcing Committee, which provides regular reports to Senate, makes resourcing recommendation via the Financial Plan Committee to the Finance and General Purposes Committee.

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Reporting Structure

Reports to: The Council.

The Senate receives reports from the University Executive Board, which provides active and visible leadership, and strategic direction for the allocation of resources.


Academic Resourcing Committee

Academic Staff Committee

Education and Student Experience Committee

Research Committee

Senate Awarding Panel (previously known as the Senate Sub-Group)

Joint Council and Senate Committees:

Honorary Degrees Committee

Research Governance and Ethics Committee

Social Inclusion Committee

> Diagrammatic representation of the Committee Structure.

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Secretary: Dan Derricott, Director of Education Policy and Quality

Assistant Secretary: Emma Tew, Assistant Registrar (Governance)

Please use in the first instance to make contact with the Senate Secretariat.

Timetable for Submission and Report Templates

The Secretary should be notified of items of business for the Senate three and a half weeks in advance of a meeting.

Timetable for submission of papers to the Senate in 2024-25

Templates for reports should be requested from the email above.

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Dates of meetings of the Senate can be found within the University Committee Timetable.

Click here to access minutes of previous meetings.

Standing Orders

The Standing Orders(PDF Document) of the Senate were approved at the meeting of the Senate held on 30 October 2024.

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