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University Health and Safety Committee

Terms of Reference
Reporting Structure

 Membership 2024/25

Chair, a Senior member of Academic staff, appointed by the UHSEC Chair

Professor James Hayton

Director of Health and Safety

John Phillips

Trade Union Representatives appointed by the following unions:  

Perry Wheatley

Paul Allsopp


Nick Humphries


Dr Andrew Marsh

A Sabbatical Officer of the Students' Union Louis Gosling
H&S champions for the following Faculties and major Administrative areas:  
One member of each of the Department of the Science, Engineering and Medical Faculty, appointed by the Chair of the Faculty

Professor Thomas Hase (Physics)

Professor Peter Scott (Chemistry)

Professor Paul Jennings (WMG)

Dr Richard Puxty (School of Life Sciences)

Professor Andre van Veen (School of Engineering)

Professor Jonathan Millar (Warwick Medical School)

One member of the Faculty of Arts appointed by the Chair of the Faculty of Arts

Andrea Humber

One member of the Faculty of Social Sciences, appointed by the Chair of the Faculty of Social Sciences Lisa Burton
One member of professional services staff, appointed by the Registrar and Chief Operating Officer Andy Smith
One member of the staff from the Library, appointed by the University Librarian Liz Gardner
One member of staff from the Campus & Commercial Services Group, appointed by the Commercial Director Tim Kaye
One member of staff of the Students' Union, appointed by the Chief Executive of the Students' Union Duncan Parkes
One member of staff from the Estates Department, appointed by the Director of Estates Duncan Stiles
One member of staff from Insurance Services, appointed by the Director of Legal and Compliance Services Richard Campbell-Kelly

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Terms of Reference

(1) To inform the University Health and Safety Executive Committee of issues relating to the health and safety of staff, students, contractors and members of the public entering the precincts of the University or involved in University activities;

(2) To consider reports relating to staff wellbeing and to escalate any relevant matters to the University Health and Safety Executive Committee for consideration and possible further escalation to the People Group and the University Executive Board;

(3) To promote co-operation between the University and its employees on all matters relating to their health, safety & welfare;

(4) To comment upon proposed changes to University health and safety policies;

(5) To comment upon the University’s strategic objectives and action plans, and to review progress on these.

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Reporting Structure

The University Health and Safety Committee reports to the University Health and Safety Executive Committee.

Click here to see a diagrammatic representation of the Committee Structure.

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Secretary: Graham Hakes, Senior Health & Safety Advisor

Assistant Secretary: Suzie Lynn, Health and Safety Administration Officer

Papers for consideration by the University Health and Safety Committee should be submitted to the Secretary two weeks in advance of the meeting at which they are to be considered.

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Dates of meetings of the University Health and Safety Committee can be found within the University Committee Timetable.

Click here to access minutes of previous meetings.

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