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List of all Honorary Graduates and Chancellor's Medallists

For further details of recent or forthcoming Honorary Graduates including orations, please visit our Honorary Graduates webpage

A Kathleen ADAMS, MA 1992 - Master of Arts
*Professor Cyril Clifford ADDISON, PhD, DSc, FInstP, FRSC, FRS, DSc 1979 - Doctor of Science
Charles ADEOGUN-PHILIPS LLD 2002 - Doctor of Laws
*Povl AHM, CBE, DSc 1994 - Doctor of Science
Professor Sir George ALBERTI, MA , DPhil, BM, BCh, FRCP, FRCPath, FRCPE, FRCPGlas, FRCPI, MD, DM, DSc 2005 - Doctor of Science
*Lord ALEXANDER OF WEEDON, BA, MA, QC, LLD 2003 - Doctor of Laws
Catherine ALLEN, DLitt 2022 - Doctor of Letters
Juliet AMERY, 2008 - Chancellor's Medal
Baroness AMOS OF BRONDESBURY, BA, MA, LLD 2000 - Doctor of Laws
Dame Mary ARDEN, DBE, MA, LLM, LLD 1999 - Doctor of Laws
*Professor Chris ARGYRIS, LLD 1996 - Doctor of Laws
Sir John ARMITT, CBE, FREng, FICE, DSc 2011 - Doctor of Science
*Professor Vladimir Igorevic ARNOLD, DSc 1988 - Doctor of Science
*Professor Sir Eric ASH, CBE, BSc (Eng), PhD, DSc, FRS, FEng, DSc 1998 - Doctor of Science
*Dame Edith Margaret Emily ASHCROFT, DBE, DLitt 1974 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Sir Michael Francis ATIYAH, MA, PhD, FRS, FRSE, OM, DSc 1969 - Doctor of Science

*Professor Patrick ATIYAH, OM, RCL, QC, FBA, LLD 1989 - Doctor of Laws

Tash AW, DLitt 2018 - Doctor of Letters

Rakie AYOLA, DLitt 2019 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Ungku Abdul AZIZ, BA, DEcons, DLitt 1985 - Doctor of Letters
B Professor Sir George BAIN, BA, MA, DPhil, LLD 2003 - Doctor of Laws
Baron BAKER OF DORKING, LLD 2010 - Doctor of Laws
Professor Sir Jack Edward BALDWIN, PhD, FRS, DSc 1988 - Doctor of Science
*Joseph BAMFORD, CBE, DSc 1998 - Doctor of Science
Gautam BANERJEE, BA, LLD 2014 - Doctor of Laws
Professor Chunli BAI , DSc 2019 - Doctor of Science

*The Rt. Rev. Cuthbert Killick Norman BARDSLEY, CBE, MA, DD, DLitt 1976 - Doctor of Letters

*The Rt. Rev. Simon BARRINGTON-WARD, KCMG, MA, DD, DLitt 1998 - Doctor of Letters

Professor Alan BARRETT, DSc 2018 - Doctor of Science

Matthew BARZUN, LLD 2018 - Doctor of Laws
Born BARIKOR , DSc 2019 - Doctor of Science
*Camila BATMANGHELIDJH, CBE, MA 2008 - Master of Arts
Brendon BATSON OBE, DLitt 2019 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Sir David BAULCOMBE, DSc 2023 - Doctor of Science
Sir Peter Lytton BAZALGETTE, KBE, DLitt 2015 - Doctor of Letters
Rikki BEADLE-BLAIR, MBE, DLitt 2023 - Doctor of Letters
Simon Russell BEALE, CBE, BA, DLitt 2005 - Doctor of Letters
Keith BEDELL PEARCE, CBE, 2022 - Chancellors Medal
Sir John BELL, GBE, FRCP, FRS, FMedSci, DSc 2010 - Doctor of Science
*Leonard BERNSTEIN, AB, DLitt 1974 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Sir Michael Victor BERRY, BSc, PhD, FRS, DSc 1998 - Doctor of Science
Professor Donald BERWICK, BA, MD, DSc 2008 - Doctor of Science
*Joseph BESSERMAN, MA 1991 - Master of Arts
Delroy BEVERLEY, DLitt 2023 – Doctor of Letters 
Anita K BHALLA, OBE, DLitt 2016 - Doctor of Letters
Rashid BHAYAT, DLitt 2019 - Doctor of Letters
*Rodney BICKERSTAFFE, LLD 2009 - Doctor of Laws
Professor Michael BILLINGTON, OBE, DLitt 2009 - Doctor of Letters
David Julian BINTLEY, CBE, DLitt 2015 - Doctor of Letters
Pauline BLACK, OBE, DLitt 2022 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor David BLACKWELL, DSc 1990 - Doctor of Science
Professor Sir Stephen R. BLOOM, DSc 2017 - Doctor of Science
Professor Thomas Leon BLUNDELL, FRS, BA, DPhil, DSc 1995 - Doctor of Science
Alecky BLYTHE, DLitt 2018 - Doctor of Letters
Rev. Dr Allan BOESAK, BTh, DTh, LLD 1989 - Doctor of Laws
Alan BOND, DSc 2017 - Doctor of Science
Jennie BOND, BA, DLitt 2004 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Jean-Pierre BOURGUIGNON, DSc 2023 - Doctor of Science
David BRADLEY, DLitt 2012 - Doctor of Letters
*Willy BRANDT, LLD 1990 - Doctor of Laws
Alfred BRENDEL, Hon KBE, DLitt 1991 - Doctor of Letters
David BRIERLEY, CBE, DLitt 1996 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Sir Timothy Robert Peter BRIGHOUSE, MA, Dip Ed, DLitt 2002 - Doctor of Letters
*The Rt. Hon. Lord BRITTEN OF ALDEBURGH, OM, CH, DLitt 1975 - Doctor of Letters
Dr Susan BROCK, 2014 - Chancellor's Medal
Professor Alec Nigel BROERS, BSc, PhD, ScD, FRS, FREng, FIEE, FInstP, DSc 1997 - Doctor of Science
Professor Timothy BROOK, PhD, DLitt 2010 - Doctor of Letters
*Sheila Jeanne BROWNE, CB, MA, DLitt 1981 - Doctor of Letters
Lord BROWNE OF MADINGLEY, FRS, FREng, FGS, DSc 2001 - Doctor of Science
*Colin BRUMMITT, OBE, IPFA, MA 1993 - Master of Arts
*Dr Clark BRUNDIN, BS, MA, PhD, LLD 2005 - Doctor of Laws
The Hon. Quentin Bryce AD CVO, LLD 2014 - Doctor of Laws (joint with Monash University)
*Baron BULLOCK, FBA, MA, DLitt 1993 - Doctor of Letters
*Ivor BULMER-THOMAS, CBE, MA, FSA, DSc 1979 - Doctor of Science
David BURBIDGE, CBE, DL, DLitt 2017 - Doctor of Letters
Professor John Boscawen BURLAND, MSc(Eng), PhD, DSc(Eng), FICE, MIStructE, MSA/CE, FGS, FEng, FRS, DSc 2003 - Doctor of Science
Professor (Susan) Jocelyn Bell BURNELL, CBE, BSc, PhD, FRAS, FInstP, DSc 1995 - Doctor of Science
*Professor Marilyn Speers BUTLER, MA, DPhil, DLitt 1997 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Sir Herbert BUTTERFIELD, MA, FBA, DLitt 1967 - Doctor of Letters
*The Rt. Hon. Lord BUTTERWORTH, CBE, JP, DL, MA, DCL, DLitt 1986 - Doctor of Laws
Lady BUTTERWORTH, MA 1986 - Master of Arts, BM 2017 - Benefactor's Medal
Professor Edward BYRNE, AC, MBBS, MD, MBA, DSc 2014 - Doctor of Science
C Professor Robert CALDERBANK, PhD, DSc 2013 - Doctor of Science
*Dame Fiona CALDICOTT, DBE, MA, BM, BCh, DPM, FRCPsych, FRCP, ARCPI, DSc 1997 - Doctor of Science
Professor Dame Averil Millicent CAMERON, CBE, DBE, PhD, FSA, FBA, DLitt 1996 - Doctor of Letters
*Mr Earl CAMERON, CBE, DLitt 2013 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Yvonne CARTER, CBE, (awarded posthumously) 2010 - Chancellor's Medal
Professor David CARDWELL, PhD, FInstP, FIET, CPhys, CEng, FREng, DSc 2015 - Doctor of Science
Professor Paul Anthony CARTLEDGE, DLitt 2017 - Doctor of Letters
Ian CAULFIELD, CBE, 2006 - Chancellor's Medal
The Rt. Hon. Baroness CHALKER OF WALLASEY, PC, FRGS, LLD 1996 - Doctor of Laws
Professor CHAN, Heng Chee, LLD 2015 - Doctor of Laws
Jung CHANG, CBE, PhD, DLitt 1997 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Anthony CHEETHAM, DPhil, FRS, FRSC, FIMMM, DSc 2015 - Doctor of Science
Julie CHRISTIE, DLitt 1994 - Doctor of Letters
Dr Roy CHUNG, DSc 2019 - Doctor of Science
*The Rt. Hon. Baron CLARK, OM, CH, KCB, MA, CLit, FBA, DLitt 1970 - Doctor of Letters
Sir Timothy CLARK, LLD 2018 - Doctor of Laws
Lady Frances CLARKE, CBE, OBE, DLitt 2007 - Doctor of Letters
*Malcolm William CLARKSON, BA, PGCE, AcadDip, DLitt 1997 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Hugh Armstrong CLEGG, MA, DLitt 1987 - Doctor of Letters
Dame Julia CLEVERDON, DCVO, CBE, BA, LLD 2002 - Doctor of Laws
Professor Craig CLUNAS, PhD, FBA, DLitt 2010 - Doctor of Letters
Dr Andrew COE, DSc 2023 - Doctor of Science
*Massimo Aldo COEN, CBE, LLD 1997 - Doctor of Laws
His Honour Richard COLE, 2011 - Chancellor's Medal
Reverend Richard COLES, MA, DLitt 2016 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Sir Rory COLLINS, KBE FMedSci FRCP, DSc 2015 - Doctor of Science
*Professor Patrick COLLINSON, CBE, BA, PhD, FBA, FRHistS, FAHA, DLitt 2003 - Doctor of Letters
*Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh CONSTANTINE, KBE, CB, DSO, LLD 1978 - Doctor of Laws
Allan E COOK CBE, FREng, DSc 2022 - Doctor of Science
Mr Dominic COOKE, CBE, DLitt (alumnus) 2013 - Doctor of Letters
Viki COOKE, DLitt 2020 - Doctor of Letters, Lambert Award
*Professor Sir John Warcup CORNFORTH, CBE, MSc, DPhil, FRS, Dsc 1976 - Doctor of Science
*Sir Alan Howard COTTRELL, BSc, PhD, FRS, FREng, DSc 1971 - Doctor of Science
Alexandra COTTON, DSc 2019 - Doctor of Science
*Fleur COWLES, DLitt 2004 - Doctor of Letters
*Malcolm COWLEY, AB, DLitt 1975 - Doctor of Letters
Sir George COX, 2017 - Chancellor's Medal
Professor Brian COX, CBE, FRS, DSc 2019 - Doctor of Science
*The Rt. Hon. The Earl of CRAWFORD AND BALCARRES, GBE, MA, RSA, FRIBA, FSA, FSAScot, DLitt 1967 - Doctor of Letters
John CRIDLAND, CBE, MA, LLD 2015 - Doctor of Laws
Professor Bryan R CULLEN, DSc 2016 - Doctor of Science
John CUNNINGTON, 2006 - Chancellor's Medal
D *The Rt. Hon. Baron DAINTON, BSc, MA, PhD, ScD, FRS, DSc 1970 - Doctor of Science
Paul DANIEL, CBE, DLitt 2001 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Robert DARNTON, BA, BPhil, DPhil, DLitt 2001 - Doctor of Letters
Tarun DAS, DSc 1996 - Doctor of Science
Baroness Professor Ingrid DAUBECHIES, PhD, DSc 2016 - Doctor of Science
Andrew Wynford DAVIES, FRSA, BA, DLitt, DArts, DLitt 2004 - Doctor of Letters
Sir David Evan Naughton DAVIES, CBE, PhD, DSc, FEng, FRS, DSc 1997 - Doctor of Science
Professor Dame Sally Claire DAVIES, DBE, MB ChB, MSc, FMedSci, FRS, DSc 2015 - Doctor of Science 
Sir Graham DAY, LLB, DSc 1991 - Doctor of Science
Martyn DAY, LLD 2014 - Doctor of Laws
*The Rt Hon Baroness DEAN OF THORNTON-LE-FYLDE, PC, FRSA, LLD 2010 - Doctor of Laws
*William G DEMAS, MA, MLitt, LLD 1989 - Doctor of Laws
Dame Judith Olivia DENCH, CH, DBE, FRSA, DLitt 1979 - Doctor of Letters
Ambassador Barry DESKER, LLD 2012 - Doctor of Laws
Marlon DEVONISH, MA 2006 - Master of Arts
Professor Jan de VRIES, DLitt 2013 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Avinash DIXIT, DSc, BA, PhD, Dr. Econ, LLD 2007 - Doctor of Laws
Declan Michael Martin DONNELLAN, OBE, MA, DLitt 2002 - Doctor of Letters
Nicholas M DONOFRIO, BS, MS, DSc 2002 - Doctor of Science
Peter Howard DONOHOE, CBE, BMus, GRNCM, ARCM, Hon FRNCM, DLitt 1996 - Doctor of Letters
Sir Gregory DORAN, KB, DLitt 2013 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Dame Mary DOUGLAS, DBE, FBA, OBE, MA, DPhil, DLitt 1993 - Doctor of Letters
*Hugh Harrington Cazalet DOUTY, CBE, MA 1977 - Master of Arts
Robert A. DOVER, BSc, FREng, FRSA, DSc 2002 - Doctor of Science
Mike DOWNEY, OBE, DLitt 2022 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Michael William DOYLE, PhD, LLD 2014 - Doctor of Laws
Mike O’ DRISCOLL, DLitt 2022 - Doctor of Letters
Dame Carol Ann DUFFY, DBE, CBE, OBE, BA, FRSL, DLitt 2002 - Doctor of Letters
Patrick DUNNE, 2023 - Chancellor’s Medal
*Archbishop George DWYER, MA, DD, PhD, DLitt 1980 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Eugene Borisovich DYNKIN, MS, PhD, DPhysandMaths, FIMS, FAAAS, DSc 2003 - Doctor of Science
E Melanie EASTER, MA 2009 - Master of Arts
Professor David EDGAR, DLitt 2012 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Sir Ronald Stanley EDWARDS, KBE, BCom, DSc, DLitt 1973 - Doctor of Letters
Kenneth John Richard EDWARDS, BSc, PhD, MA, LLD, DSc 2000 - Doctor of Science
John EDWARDS, LLD 2008 - Doctor of Laws
Dr Donald M. EIGLER, DSc 2017 - Doctor of Science
*Professor Sir John Huxtable ELLIOTT, FBA, MA, PhD, DLitt 1995 - Doctor of Letters
Sir Vernon ELLIS, FCA, LLD 2014 - Doctor of Laws
William John EMMOTT, BA, LLD 1999 - Doctor of Laws
*Dennis Joseph ENRIGHT, OBE, MA, DLitt 1982 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Leon EPSTEIN, MA, PhD, DLitt 1980 - Doctor of Letters
F *The Rt. Hon. Baroness FAITHFULL OF WOLVERCOTE, OBE, DLitt 1978 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Charles FEFFERMAN, PhD, DSc 2018 - Doctor of Science
Professor William James FEAST, CBE, PhD, FRS, FRSC, DSc 2004 - Doctor of Science
*Eric William FENBY, OBE, DLitt 1978 - Doctor of Letters
Rose De Wend FENTON, DLitt 2019 - Doctor of Letters
*Collin FERGUSON, MA, FRICS, MSc 1997 - Master of Science
*Patrick Leigh FERMOR, OBE, DSO, DLitt 1996 - Doctor of Letters
Frank FIELD, BSc, LLD 1996 - Doctor of Laws
Christiana FIGUERES, DSc 2017 - Doctor of Science
Anne FINE, OBE, BA, DLitt 2005 - Doctor of Letters
Dr Kevin FINNAN, MBE, MA, PhD, DLitt 2014 - Doctor of Letters
*Sheila FITZGERALD, FRSA, 2012 - Chancellor's Medal
*The Rt. Hon. Lord FLOREY, OM, MA, PhD, MD, FRS, DSc 1967 - Doctor of Science
Professor Sir Brian Keith FOLLETT, FRS, BSc, PhD, DSc 2002 - Doctor of Science
Professor Ken FOLLETT, FRS, DL, DLitt 2019 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Alec George FORD, MA, DPhil, DLitt 1990 - Doctor of Letters
Professor John FORTY, BSc , PhD, DSc, FRSE, FRSA, LLD, DSc 2005 - Doctor of Science
*Sir Frederick Charles FRANK, OBE, BA, BSc, DPhil, FRS, DSc 1981 - Doctor of Science
Professor Jean M J FRÉCHET, DSc 2012 - Doctor of Science
*Dame Elisabeth FRINK, DBE, CBE, RA, DLitt 1983 - Doctor of Letters
*Sir Terence Ernest Manitou FROST, Hon LLD, RA , DLitt 2000 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Carlos FUENTES, DLitt 1992 - Doctor of Letters
G Professor Peter GALISON, PhD, DSc 2010 - Doctor of Science
Paolo GALLI, LLD 1999 - Doctor of Laws
*Dame Helen Louise GARDNER, DBE, MA, DLitt, FBA, FRSL, DLitt 1976 - Doctor of Letters
Alan GARNER, OBE, DLitt 2011 - Doctor of Letters
Advocate Bience GAWANAS, LLD 2023 - Doctor of Laws
*Peter Harry GAYWARD, MA 1977 - Master of Arts
*Sir Anthony GILL, BScEng, FREng, FIMechE, FIProdE, DSc 1992 - Doctor of Science
*Sir Paul GIROLAMI, FCA, FREConS, FIMC, FIMgt, FRSA, LLD 1996 - Doctor of Laws
Dame Evelyn GLENNIE, DBE, OBE, FRAM, FRCM, GRSM, LRAM, ARAM, DLitt 1993 - Doctor of Letters
*Sir William Gerald GOLDING, CBE, CLit, DLitt 1981 - Doctor of Letters
Dr Michael GOLDSTEIN, CBE, DSc 2003 - Doctor of Science
Valerie GOODING, CBE, LLD 2009 - Doctor of Laws
*Lawrence Cecil Barlett GOWER, LLM, FBA, LLD 1978 - Doctor of Laws
*Sir Matthew Alistair GRANT, DSc 1997 - Doctor of Science
Professor Dame Clare GRAY, DSc 2024 - Doctor of Science
Sir J A Muir GRAY, CBE, FRCPSGlas, FCLIP, DSc 2018 - Doctor of Science
Professor Malcolm GREEN, BSc, PhD, FRS, DSc 2014 - Doctor of Science
The Rev. Clive Malcolm GREGORY, BA, MA, 1999 - Master of Arts
Professor Robert GRUBBS, DSc 2010 - Doctor of Science
Krishnan GURU-MURTHY, BA, DLitt 2015 - Doctor of Letters
H Professor Erwin L HAHN, BSc, PhD, DSc 2007 - Doctor of Science
*Professor Philip HALL, MA, FRS, DSc 1977 - Doctor of Science
*Professor Albert Henry HALSEY, BSc, MA, PhD, FBA, DLitt 1995 - Doctor of Letters
Simon HALSEY, MA 2007 - Master of Arts
Andrew HALDANE, DSc 2019 - Doctor of Science
*Baron HAMLYN OF EDGEWORTH, CBE, DLitt 1991 - Doctor of Letters
Sir Stuart HAMPSON, LLD 2010 - Doctor of Laws
*Sir Stanley Jaffa HARLEY, DL, BSc, CEng, FIMechE, FIProdE, DSc 1978 - Doctor of Science
Peter HARRIS, LLD 2018 - Doctor of Laws
Michael John HARRISON, DLitt 2016 - Doctor of Laws
*Professor Wilfrid HARRISON, MA, DLitt 1979 - Doctor of Letters
*Sir Roy Forbes HARROD, MA, FBA, DLitt 1968 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Oliver HART, LLD 2012 - Doctor of Laws
*Sir Frank HARTLEY, CBE, BSc, PhD, CChem, FRSC, FPS, FRCP, FRCS, FRSC, DSc 1978 - Doctor of Science
Dr David HALPERN, CBE, FAcSS, DSc 2020 - Doctor of Science
*Jacquetta HAWKES, OBE, DLitt 1986 - Doctor of Letters
*John HEARTH, CBE, LLD 1999 - Doctor of Laws
Stephen HEIGHWAY, MA 2012 - Master of Arts
*The Hon. Dame Rose HEILBRON, DBE, RBE, LLM, LLD 1978 - Doctor of Laws
Professor Janet HEMINGWAY, CBE, BSc, PhD, DSc, FRS, FMedSci, FRCP, FRES (Hon), FAAM, DSc 2015 - Doctor of Science
John Henry HEMMING, CMG, DLitt, DLitt 1989 - Doctor of Letters
Lenworth George HENRY, MA 1992 - Master of Arts
*The Rt. Hon. Lord HEYWORTH OF OXTON, DLitt 1967 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Sir John Richard HICKS, MA, BLitt, FBA, DLitt 1972 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Geoffrey HILL, BA, DLitt 2007 - Doctor of Letters
Andrea HIRATA, DLitt 2015 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Friedrich HIRZEBRUCH, Dr Rer Nat. DSc 1980 - Doctor of Science
Professor Nigel HITCHIN, BA, DPhil, DSc 2014 - Doctor of Science
Professor Charles Antony Richard HOARE, MA, Cert Stats, FRS, DSc 1985 - Doctor of Science
Major General Tim HODGETTS CB CBE, DSc 2024 - Doctor of Science
*Professor Dorothy HODGKIN, OM, MA, PhD, FRS, DSc 1979 - Doctor of Science
*George Edward HODGKINSON, OBE, MA 1975 - Master of Arts
Dr Eva HOFFMAN, PhD, DLitt 2008 - Doctor of Letters
Hon Charlotte Mary HOGG, BA, LLD 2015 - Doctor of Laws
Sir Michael HOLROYD, CBE, FRHistS, FRSL, FRSA, DLitt 1993 - Doctor of Letters
Steven HOLLIS, DLitt 2019 - Doctor of Letters
*Joseph HOMAN, MA 1988 - Master of Arts
Janet HOLMES, DLitt 2019 - Doctor of Letters
Professor John HOOD, PhD, MPhil, LLD 2014 - Doctor of Laws
Professor Leroy HOOD, MD , PhD, DSc 2009 - Doctor of Science
*Sir Michael Murray HORDERN, CBE, DLitt 1987 - Doctor of Letters
Alex HORNE, DLitt 2024 - Doctor of Letters
Antonio HORTA-OSORIO, MBA, AMP, LLD 2015 - Doctor of Laws
*The Most Rev. Trevor HUDDLESTON, MA, DD, CR, DLitt 1988 - Doctor of Letters
John HUMPHRYS, LLD 2003 - Doctor of Laws
John Ting On HUNG, LLD 2023 – Doctor of Laws 
Professor Lord HUNT OF CHESTERTON, CB, PhD, DSc, FRS, DSc 2000 - Doctor of Science
Vivian Y HUNT, AB, MBA, LLD 2014 - Doctor of Laws
*Rita HUNTER, CBE, DLitt 1978 - Doctor of Letters
Neil HUTCHINSON, LLD 2015 - Doctor of Laws
I *Eugène IONESCO, LèsL, DLitt 1974 - Doctor of Letters
*Sir Donald IRVINE, CBE, MD, FRCGP, FMedSci, DSc 2009 - Doctor of Science
  Debbie ISITT, DLitt 2023 - Doctor of Letters
J Smita JAMDAR, LLD 2018 - Doctor of Laws
  Professor Sir Alec JEFFREYS, CH, PhD, FRS, DSc 2007 - Doctor of Science
*The Rt. Hon. Lord JENKINS OF HILLHEAD, PC, MA, FBA, DLitt 1978 - Doctor of Letters
Alex JENNINGS, BA, DLitt 1999 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor James JOLL, MA, FBA, DLitt 1988 - Doctor of Letters
*James Larkin JONES, MBE, CH, FCIT, DLitt 1978 - Doctor of Letters
Baron Jones of Birmingham, LLB, DUniv, DLitt, DL, CIMgt, FRI, LLD 2006 - Doctor of Laws
*Dr John Howel JONES, MA, MD, FRCP, DSc 2002 - Doctor of Science
Ruth JONES, DLitt 2013 - Doctor of Letters
Dr DeAnne JULIUS, PhD, LLD 2000 - Doctor of Laws
K Hon. Dr Justice George W. KANYEIHAMBA, PhD, LLD 2008 - Doctor of Laws
Professor Steven T KATZ, BA, MA, PhD, DLitt 2014 - Doctor of Letters
Jackie KAY, BA, DLitt 2005 - Doctor of Letters

Roland Francis Kester (Roly) KEATING, BA, DLitt 2015 - Doctor of Letters

Barrie KEEFFE, DLitt 2010 - Doctor of Letters
Anthony KELLY, DLitt 2025 - Doctor of Science
Sir Anthony John Patrick KENNY, FBA, STL, DPhil, DLitt 1995 - Doctor of Letters
Dame Fiona KENDRICK, OBE, DSc 2019 - Doctor of Science
Dr Peter KENT, DLitt 2023 – Doctor of Letters
*Clark KERR, AB, MA, PhD, LLD 1987 - Doctor of Laws
Sir Robert KERSLAKE, LLD, 2012 - Doctor of Laws
Dr Reuel KHOZA, LLD, 2020 - Doctor of Laws
Brenda KING, MBE, MA 2009 - Master of Arts
Sir David KING, FRS, DSc 2012 - Doctor of Science
*The Rt. Hon. Lord KINGS NORTON, PhD, DIC, DSc 1986 - Doctor of Science
*Professor Ernst KITZINGER, DPhil, DLitt 1989 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor KIYOSHI ITO, DSc 1992 - Doctor of Science
*Sir Aaron KLUG, OM, PhD, FRS, DSc 1994 - Doctor of Science
*Lionel Charles KNIGHTS, MA, PhD, DLitt 1979 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Sir Hans Leo KORNBERG, MA, PhD, DSc, ScD, Hon DSc, PRS, FRS, FIBiol, DSc 1975 - Doctor of Science
The Rt. Hon. Lord John Richard KREBS, MA, DPhil, FRS, DSc 2000 - Doctor of Science
Dame Parveen KUMAR, CBE, DSc 2018 - Doctor of Science
*Alexander Adum KWAPONG, MA, PhD, DLitt 1971 - Doctor of Letters
L Paul LADD, LLD 2016 - Doctor of Laws
Philip LADER, BA, MA, JD, LLD 2002 - Doctor of Laws
*Winifred LAKIN, MA 1988 - Master of Arts
Sir Richard Peter LAMBERT, BA, LLD 2004 - Doctor of Laws
Pascal LAMY, LLD 2009 - Doctor of Laws
Michèle LAMONT , DLitt 2020, Doctor of Letters
Professor Tim LANG, DSc 2024 - Doctor of Science
Jane LAPOTAIRE, DLitt 2000 - Doctor of Letters
*Philip Arthur LARKIN, CH, CBE, MA, FRSL, DLitt 1973 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Bruno LATOUR, LLD 2009 - Doctor of Laws
The Hon. Martin Chu Ming LEE, BA, LLB, LLD 2006 - Doctor of Laws
Mike LEIGH, OBE, FRSL, DLitt 2015 - Doctor of Letters
John LEIGHFIELD, CBE, LLD 2011 - Doctor of Laws
Professor Stephen R LEONE, DSc 2016 - Doctor of Science
Ms Prudence LEITH, OBE, DLitt 2013 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Jill LEPORE, DLitt 2017 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Richard LERNER, DSc 2010 - Doctor of Science
*Doris M. LESSING, DLitt 1994 - Doctor of Letters
Adrian LESTER, DLitt 2013 - Doctor of Letters
Dr Oi-sie Elsie LEUNG, GBM, JP, LLD 2005 - Doctor of Laws
Professor Daniel A. LEVINTHAL, LLD 2017 - Doctor of Laws
Dr Patricia LEWIS, MSc, PhD, LLD 2015 - Doctor of Laws
Professor Jinghai LI, DSc 2011 - Doctor of Science
Dr the Honourable Sir David K P LI, OBE, JP, MA, FCIB, FCA, LLD 1994 - Doctor of Laws
*Sir Edmund LIGGINS, TD, LLD 1988 - Doctor of Laws
Liliane LIJN, DLitt 2005 - Doctor of Letters
Mr LIM Chuan Poh, DSc 2016 - Doctor of Science
*Professor John Wilfrid LINNETT, MA, DPhil, FRS, DSc 1973 - Doctor of Science
Norman Peter LISTER, OBE, JP, MA 1985 - Master of Arts
*Lt. Col. J.E. LITTLE, LLD 1996 - Doctor of Laws
Dame Penelope LIVELY, DBE, CBE, OBE, BA, OBG, FRSL, DLitt 1998 - Doctor of Letters
Kenneth LOACH, DLitt 1998 - Doctor of Letters
Professor David John LODGE, CBE, BA, MA, PhD, FRSL, DLitt 1997 - Doctor of Letters
Professor George LOEWENSTEIN, PhD, DSc 2014 - Doctor of Science
Sir Colin LUCAS, DPhil, FRHistS, LLD 2006 - Doctor of Laws
*Humphrey Richard Adeane LYTTELTON, DLitt 1987 - Doctor of Letters
M Neil MACGREGOR, DLitt 2009 - Doctor of Letters
Mr Michael MACKENZIE, LLD 2013 - Doctor of Laws
*Professor William James Millar MACKENZIE, CBE, MA, LLB, FBA, DLitt 1972 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Michael MALLETT, OBE, DLitt 2007 - Doctor of Letters
Catherine MALLYON, CBE, DLitt 2023 - Doctor of Letters
*Nelson Rolihlahla MANDELA, Hon OM, LLD 1996 - Doctor of Laws
*Professor Yuri I MANIN, PhD, DSc 2006 - Doctor of Science
Professor Nicholas MANN, CBE, MA, PhD, DLitt 2006 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Josè Marià MARAVALL, BA, PhD, DLitt 1985 - Doctor of Letters
*Dr James MARTIN, DSc 2009 - Doctor of Science
Professor Gerald MARTIN, PhD, DLitt 2016 - Doctor of Letters
John MATHERS, LLD 2016 - Doctor of Laws
*Peter MATHIAS, CBE, FRHistS, FBA, MAE, DLitt 1995 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Denis James MATTHEWS, CBE, DMus, DLitt 1982 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Robert Charles Oliver MATTHEWS, CBE, MA, FBA, DLitt 1980 - Doctor of Letters
Robert MATTHEWS, MBE, MA 2001 - Master of Arts
Dr Julie MAXTON, CBE, LLD 2018 - Doctor of Laws
*Sir Peter MAXWELL DAVIES, CH, CBE, DLitt 1986 - Doctor of Letters
*Baron MAY of Oxford, OM, AC, FRS, DSc 1997 - Doctor of Science
Simon MAYO, BA, DLitt 2005 - Doctor of Letters
Paul MAY , LLD 2020 - Doctor of Laws
Deirdre Nansen McCLOSKEY, LLD 2018 - Doctor of Laws
Tarell Alvin McCRANEY, BFA, DLitt 2014 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Dusa McDUFF, FRS, CorrFRSE, DSc 2017 - Doctor of Science
Robert Ian MEAKIN, MSc 1999 - Master of Science
Dr Heather Patricia MELVILLE, OBE, CCMI, DLitt 2023 - Doctor of Letters
*Sir Yehudi MENUHIN, OM, KBE, DLitt 1968 - Doctor of Letters
Heidi MEYER, LLD 2018 - Doctor of Laws
Douglas MILLER, MBA LLD 2014 - Doctor of Laws
*Dr Professor Sir James Alexander MIRRLEES, FRSE, FBA, DLitt 1982 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Ole Danbolt MJOS, MD, PhD, LLD 2010 - Doctor of Laws
Sir Brian MOFFAT, OBE, FCA, DSc 1998 - Doctor of Science
Dr Mahmoud MOHIELDIN, DSc 2024 - Doctor of Science
Mr Terry MONNINGTON, 2013 - Chancellor's Medal
David MOORCROFT, MBE, OBE, BEd, MA 1991 - Master of Arts
*Henry MOORE, OM, CH, FBA, DLitt 1969 - Doctor of Letters
*Sir Peter MOORES, CBE, DLitt 2011 - Doctor of Letters
*Geoffrey MOORHOUSE, FRSC, DLitt 2006 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Shigefumi MORI, DSc 2017 - Doctor of Science
Professor Andrew MORRIS, DSc 2022 - Doctor of Science
Rt Hon Estelle MORRIS, TCert, BEd, MP, LLD, DLitt 2003 - Doctor of Letters
William MORRIS, LLD 2002 - Doctor of Laws
*Sir Alistair MORTON, MA, DSc 1994 - Doctor of Science
Dr Russell MOSELEY, 2010 - Chancellor's Medal
Nigel MOSS, DLitt 2023 - Doctor of Letters
*Sir Nevill Francis MOTT, MA, FRS, DSc 1968 - Doctor of Science
*Dame Anne Elisabeth MUELLER, DCB, MA, DLitt 1985 - Doctor of Letters
Professor David MUMFORD, BSc, PhD, DSc 1983 - Doctor of Science
*Dame Jean Iris MURDOCH, DBE, MA, DLitt 1979 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Noreen MURRAY, CBE, BSc, PhD, FRS, DSc 2001 - Doctor of Science
Riccardo MUTI, Hon KBE, DLitt 1983 - Doctor of Letters

Lucy NEAL , DLitt 2019-Doctor of Letters


Professor Sir Stephen NICKELL, CBE, BA, MSc, FBA, DSc 2008 - Doctor of Science

Adrian NOBLE, BA, DLitt 2001 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Denis NOBLE, CBE, BSc, BA, PhD, FMedSci, FRS, DSc 2008 - Doctor of Science
Harry NOBLE, MA 1993 - Master of Arts
*Sir Sidney NOLAN, OM, AC, ARA, DLitt 1991 - Doctor of Letters
*The Rt. Hon. Lord NOLAN, MA, PC, DL, LLD 1998 - Doctor of Laws
Humphrey Nicholas NOLAN, BA, LLD 2004 - Doctor of Laws
*Sir Gulam NOON, MBE, LLD 2010 - Doctor of Laws
Professor Pippa NORRIS, LLD 2017 - Doctor of Laws
Sir Trevor Robert NUNN, CBE, BA, DLitt 1982 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Sir Paul NURSE, OM, CH, FRS, FMedSci, DSc 2013 - Doctor of Science
Dr Ian NUSSEY, OBE, FREng, 2006 - Chancellor's Medal
Dr Kanayo F NWANZE, BSc, PhD, DSc 2015 - Doctor of Science
Michael NYMAN, DLitt 2007 - Doctor of Letters
O *Sir Richard O’BRIEN, DSO, MC, DLitt 1983 - Doctor of Letters
Sir Gus O’DONNELL, CB, BA, MPhil, LLD 2004 - Doctor of Laws
Dr Phil O’DONOVAN, DSc 2024 - Doctor of Science
Frances Lorraine Maria O'GRADY, BA, LLD 2015 - Doctor of Laws
Sir Peter OGDEN, DSc 2009 - Doctor of Science
Professor Dame Bridget OGILVIE, DSc 2017 - Doctor of Science
Professor Sir Stephen O'RAHILLY, FRS , FMedSci, DSc 2009 - Doctor of Science
*Sir Herman OUSELEY, LLD 1998 - Doctor of Laws
P Dr Rajendra PACHAURI, DSc 2009 - Doctor of Science
Professor Jacob PALIS, PhD, DSc 2000 - Doctor of Science
Professor Stuart PALMER, DSc 2011 - Doctor of Science
Baron Bikhu PAREKH OF KINGSTON UPON HULL, BA, MA, PhD, LLD 2001 - Doctor of Laws
Professor Richard PARRY-JONES, CBE, FREng, DSc 2014 - Doctor of Science
*Roy PASCAL, MA, DLitt, FBA, DLitt 1977 - Doctor of Letters
*Edwin John Victor PASMORE, CH, CBE, DLitt 1985 - Doctor of Letters
*Betty PATTISON, MA 1999 - Master of Arts
Professor Christopher PEACOCKE, BA, MA, PPE, BPhil, DPhil, FBA, DLitt 2007 - Doctor of Letters
Brian PEARCE, OBE, LLD 2009 - Doctor of Laws
*Dr Yesu PERSAUD, DLitt 2008 - Doctor of Letters
Sir Keith PETERS, DSc 2012 - Doctor of Science
The Hon. Pierre PETTIGREW, PC, BA, MPhil, LLD 2008 - Doctor of Laws
*Sir Nikolaus Bernhard Leon PEVSNER, CBE, MA, PhD, FBA, FSA, DLitt 1974 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Sir Cyril Henry PHILIPS, MA, PhD, DLitt 1967 - Doctor of Letters
*The Rt. Hon. Lord PHILLIPS, BSc, PhD, FRS, FlnstP, DSc 1982 - Doctor of Science
Alan PHILLIPS, BSc , CMG, LLD 2005 - Doctor of Laws
Trevor PHILLIPS, OBE, BSc, FRSA, MA, DLitt, LLD 2004 - Doctor of Laws
Bernd PISCHETSRIEDER, Dip-Ing, DSc 1999 - Doctor of Science
Roland Francis Kester (Roly) KEATING, BA, DLitt 2015 - Doctor of Letters
Jane Christine PLATT, CBE, CISI, MA, LLD 2015 - Doctor of Laws
*Baron PLUMB of Coleshill, DL, MEP, LLD 1990 - Doctor of Laws
Professor Sir Martyn POLIAKOFF CBE, FRS, FREng, DSc 2023 – Doctor of Science
*Professor Sir Karl Raimund POPPER, CH, MA, PhD, DLitt, FRS, FBA, DLitt 1971 - Doctor of Letters
Sir Jonathon PORRITT, CBE, BA, LLD 2003 - Doctor of Laws
David Edwin POTTER, CBE, MA, PhD, DSc 1999 - Doctor of Science
Professor Kenneth POUNDS, CBE, BSc, PhD, FRS, DSc 2001 - Doctor of Science
*Sir Terence David John PRATCHETT, OBE, DLitt 1999 - Doctor of Letters
Oliver PRENN, LLD 2001 - Doctor of Laws
*Ted and *Myrtle PRIDGEON - 2006 Benefactors Medal
Alexandra Jane Reina PRINGLE, BA, DLitt 2014 - Doctor of Letters
R *The Rt. Hon. Viscount RADCLIFFE, GBE, PC, MA, FBA, DLitt 1967 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Katri RÄIKKÖNEN, DSc 2024 - Doctor of Science
*The Hon. Sir Shridath S RAMPHAL, OE, GCMG, AC, QC, FKC, LLD 1988 - Doctor of Laws
*Donald K RANVAUD, DLitt 2016 - Doctor of Letters
Shabir RANDEREE, CBE, LLD 2019 - Doctor of Laws
Professor Raj REDDY, BE, MTech, PhD, FIEEE, FAAII, DSc 2001 - Doctor of Science
*Dr Alan REECE, DSc 2012 (in absentia) - Doctor of Science
Dame Helen REEVES, DBE, OBE, BA, LLD 2001 - Doctor of Laws
Pamela (Jones) RELPH, MBE, DSc 2018 - Doctor of Science
Dame Fiona REYNOLDS, DBE, DSc 2013 - Doctor of Science
*Sir Rex RICHARDS, DSc , FRS, FRSC, FBA, DSc 1999 - Doctor of Science
David RICHARDS, CBE, MA 2009 - Master of Arts
*Gilbert Stanley Nowell RICHARDS, CBE, LLB, MA 1979 - Master of Arts
Dame Stella RIMINGTON, DCB, LLD 2017 - Doctor of Laws
Professor Joseph ROACH, PhD, MA, DLitt 2009 - Doctor of Letters
*Gordon ROBERTS, MA 1991 - Master of Arts
Professor James ROBINSON, BSc, MA, PhD, LLD 2015 - Doctor of Laws
Philip ROBINSON, JP, MA 1991 - Master of Arts
*Willy RONIS, DLitt 1998 - Doctor of Letters
*Albert Richard ROSE, MA 1977 - Master of Arts
Cindy ROSE, OBE, DSc 2022 - Doctor of Science
*Lord Nathaniel Charles Jacob ROTHSCHILD, OM, GBE, CVO, FKC, FBA, FRIBA, Fram, PhD, DLitt, LLD, DCL, DLitt 2004 - Doctor of Letters
David ROWE, 2012 - Chancellor's Medal
Anthony RUDGE, MA, FIB, LLD 1991 - Doctor of Laws
James RUSHTON, 2008 - Chancellor's Medal
*Sir Edward Lionel RUSSELL, CBE, MA, DLitt 1974 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Sir Michael RUTTER, CBE, FRS, MD, FRCP, FRCPsych, FMedSci, DSc 1999 - Doctor of Science
*Margaret RYLATT, MA 1989 - Master of Arts
*Gilbert RYLE, MA, DLitt 1969 - Doctor of Letters
S *Dr Oliver SACKS, CBE, MD, FRCP, DSc 2014 - Doctor of Science
Stephen SACKUR, DLitt 2018 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Edward SAID, AB, AM, PhD, LLD 2001 - Doctor of Laws
Lady SAINSBURY OF TURVILLE, CBE, FRAM, FRSA, DLitt 2012 - Doctor of Letters
Lord SAINSBURY OF TURVILLE, BA, MBA, FREng, LLD 2008 - Doctor of Laws
*Professor Abdus SALAM, Hon. KBE, BA, MA, PhD, FRS, DSc 1991 - Doctor of Science
Dr Nick SANDERS, 2016 - Chancellor's Medal
Vita SANDERSON, DSc 2024 - Doctor of Science
Professor Saskia SASSEN, LLD 2012 - Doctor of Laws
*Michael SAUNDERS WATSON, CBE, DL, DLitt 1991 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Richard Sidney SAYERS, MA, FBA, DLitt 1967 - Doctor of Letters
*Sir Nicholas Vernon SCHEELE, KCMG, BA, DSc 1999 - Doctor of Science
Professor Richard SCHOEN, PhD, DSc 2015 - Doctor of Science
Sir Stephen John SEDLEY, BA, LLD 1999 - Doctor of Laws
*Samuel SELVON, DLitt 1989 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Richard SENNETT, OBE, FBA, FRSL, DLitt 2010 - Doctor of Letters
Dr John SEXTON, BA, MA, PhD, JD, LLD 2011 - Doctor of Laws
*The Rt. Hon. Lord SHACKLETON OF BURLEY, KG, OBE, PC, MA, FBIM, DSc 1978 - Doctor of Science
Nemat Talaat Shafik, Baroness SHAFIK, DBE, BA, MSc, DPhil, LLD 2012 - Doctor of Laws
Professor Dudley SHALLCROSS, BSc, M.Ed, D.Phil, DSc 2023 - Doctor of Science
Professor Adi SHAMIR ForMemRS, DSc 2023 – Doctor of Science
Michael Lewis SHATTOCK, OBE, MA, LLD 2000 - Doctor of Laws
Ritula SHAH, DLitt 2019,- Doctor of Letters
*Sir Antony SHER, KBE, DLitt 2007 - Doctor of Letters
Dr Mike SHORT CBE, DSc 2022 - Doctor of Science
*Ignazio SILONE, DLitt 1972 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Brian SIMON, MA, DLitt 1998 - Doctor of Letters
Lord SIMPSON OF DUNKELD, FCCA, FIMI, FCIT, DSc 1995 - Doctor of Science
Professor Yakov SINAI, PhD, DSc 2011 - Doctor of Science
*Sir Clive M. SINCLAIR, CBE, DSc 1983 - Doctor of Science
Karamjit SINGH, Hon LLD - Doctor of Laws
Vivek SINGH, DLitt 2015 - Doctor of Letters
Lord Robert, Baron SKIDELSKY, FBA, DLitt 2011 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Anne-Marie SLAUGHTER, MPhil, DPhil, JD, LLD 2013 - Doctor of Laws
Professor Peter SLOTERDIJK, DLitt 2009 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Stephen SMALE, MS, PhD, DSc 1974 - Doctor of Science
Sir Timothy Bartel SMIT, KBE, BA, DSc 2003 - Doctor of Science
Phil SMITH, BSc, LLD 2015 - Doctor of Laws
Professor Margaret J SNOWLING, CBE, PhD, FBA, FMedSci, DSc 2016 - Doctor of Science
*Professor Robert Merton SOLOW, MA, PhD, DLitt 1976 - Doctor of Letters
*Sir Richard William SOUTHERN, MA, FBA, FRSL, FRHistS, DLitt 1978 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Sir Richard SOUTHWOOD, BSc, MA, PhD, DSc, FRS, FIBiol, DL, FMedSci, DSc 1989 - Doctor of Science
*John Hanbury Angus SPARROW, OBE, MA, DLitt 1967 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Sir Ralf SPETH KBE, FREng, FRS, DSc 2023 – Doctor of Science
Patrick SPOTTISWOODE, DLitt 2011 - Doctor of Letters
*Sir Hugh Worrell SPRINGER, GCMG, GCVO, KA, CBE, MA, DLitt 1974 - Doctor of Letters
Venu SRINIVASAN, BEng, MBA, DSc 2004 - Doctor of Science
Professor Barbara STAFFORD, DLitt 2010 - Doctor of Letters
Max STAFFORD-CLARK, DLitt 2006 - Doctor of Letters
Clive STANNARD, DLitt 2025 - Doctor of Letters
Sir Nicholas STERN, BA, DPhil, FBA, DSc 2006 - Doctor of Science
Professor Ian STEWART, 2022, Chancellors Medal
*Professor Sir John Richard Nicholas STONE, CBE, MA, ScD, FBA, DLitt 1975 - Doctor of Letters
(William) Oliver STONE, DLitt 2016 - Doctor of Letters
Tom STOPPARD, CBE, OM, FRSL, DLitt 1981 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Dennis Parnell SULLIVAN, PhD, DSc 1984 - Doctor of Science
Larry SULLIVAN, LLD 2017 - Doctor of Laws
Professor Barry Emmanuel SUPPLE, CBE, BSc Econ, PhD, LittD, Hon Dlitt, FRHistS, FBA, DLitt 2000 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Subra SURESH, MS, ScD, DSc 2014 - Doctor of Science
Mrs Jyotsna SURI, LLD 2010 - Doctor of Laws
*Lord SUTHERLAND OF HOUNDWOOD, DLitt 2001 - Doctor of Letters
Dame Janet SUZMAN, DBE, BA, DLitt 1990 - Doctor of Letters
*Helen SUZMAN, Hon DBE, BComm, LLD 1990 - Doctor of Laws
*Professor Sir Peter SWINNERTON-DYER, KBE, FRS, CBE, DSc 1993 - Doctor of Science
Sir Richard SYKES, BSc, PhD, DSc, FRS, DSc 1999 - Doctor of Science
T *Ratan TATA, BSc, DSc 2005 - Doctor of Science
*Alan John Percivale TAYLOR, BA, DLitt 1981 - Doctor of Letters
Lord TAYLOR OF WARWICK, BA, LLD 1999 - Doctor of Laws
Matthew TAYLOR, BA, MA, LLD 2014 - Doctor of Laws
Dame Kiri TE KANAWA, DBE, DLitt 1989 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor René THOM, DEtat, DSc 1970 - Doctor of Science
Sir Keith THOMAS, CH, FBA, FRHistS, FLSW, DLitt 1998 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Alan John THORPE, OBE, PhD, DSc 2012 - Doctor of Science
Paul THOMPSON, MBE, BSc, LLD 2016 - Doctor of Laws
Colin Gerald Dryden THUBRON, CBE, FRSL, FRAS, DLitt 2002 - Doctor of Letters
Tidjane THIAM, LLD 2016 - Doctor of Laws
*Sir Michael TIPPETT, OM, CH, CBE, DLitt 1974 - Doctor of Letters
*The Rt. Hon. Lord TODD OF TRUMPINGTON, OM, MA, DPhil, Dr Phil nat, DSc, FRS, FRSC, DSc 1979 - Doctor of Science
*Frances Leonard, Baron TOMBS of Brailes, BSc(Econ), FIMechE, FlEE, FInstE, FREng, DSc 1990 - Doctor of Science
Sir Michael TOMLINSON, CBE, DLitt 2011 - Doctor of Letters
*The Rt. Hon. The Viscount TONYPANDY, PC, LLD 1984 - Doctor of Laws
*Professor Martin TROW, ME, HonDLitt, PhD, DLitt 1997 - Doctor of Letters
Alan TUCKETT, OBE, DLitt 2011 - Doctor of Letters
*Sir Ronald Ernest TUNBRIDGE, OBE, JP, BSc, MSc, MB, ChB, MD, FRCP, DSc 1979 - Doctor of Science
U Professor Stéphane UDRY, DSc 2024- Doctor of Science
*Sir Brian URQUHART, KCMG, MBE, LLD 1989 - Doctor of Laws
V Professor Leslie VALIANT, PhD, DSc 2013 - Doctor of Science
Vanessa VALLELY OBE, DSc 2024 - Doctor of Science
*Professor David VANDELINDE, BA, MA, PhD, DEd, LLD 2007 - Doctor of Laws
Jorge Mario Pedro VARGAS LLOSA, 1st Marquess of Vargas Llosa, BA, PhD, DLitt 2004 - Doctor of Letters
*Sándor VÈGH, DLitt 1988 - Doctor of Letters
*Sir Arthur VICK, OBE, PhD, FIEE, FInstP, MRIA, DSc 1993 - Doctor of Science
Nazmudin Gulamhusein VIRANI, LLD 1990 - Doctor of Laws
Mechai VIRAVAIDYA, LLD 2017 - Doctor of Laws
W *Sir Derek Alton WALCOTT, BA, DLitt 1998 - Doctor of Letters
Simon WALKER, LLD 2016 - Doctor of Laws
Dr Roberta WARMAN, 2013 - Chancellor's Medal
*Baroness WARNOCK, CH, DBE, FBA, FMedSci, LLD 1991 - Doctor of Laws
Baroness Diana WARWICK, DSc 2022 - Doctor of Science
*Professor William Alexander WATERS, MA, PhD, ScD, FRS, DSc 1977 - Doctor of Science
*Arthur James WAUGH, MA 1977 - Master of Arts
*Professor Dorothy Enid Cole WEDDERBURN, MA, DLitt 1984 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Stanley WELLS, CBE, BA, PhD, DLitt, DPhil, DLitt 2008 - Doctor of Letters
Anthony Ian (Tony) WHEELER, AO, BSc, MSc, DLitt 2015 - Doctor of Letters
*Sheila WHITAKER, BA, LLD 2005 - Doctor of Laws
The Very Reverend John WITCOMBE, DLitt 2022 - Doctor of Laws
Dame Sharon WHITE, DSc 2022 - Doctor of Science
Professor Stanley WHITTINGHAM, DSC 2023, Doctor of Science
Professor Roger WHITTENBURY, CBE, BSc, MSc, PhD, DSc 1999 - Doctor of Science
*Sir Frank WHITTLE, OM, FEng, KBE, CB, FRS, MA, DSc 1968 - Doctor of Science
Willard WIGAN, MBE, DLitt 2018 - Doctor of Letters
Brett WIGDORTZ, OBE, LLD 2016 - Doctor of Laws
Professor Sir Andrew John WILES, KBE, FRS, PhD, DSc 1998 - Doctor of Science
*Sir Edgar Trevor WILLIAMS, CB, CBE, DSO, MA, FRHistS, DL, DLitt 1967 - Doctor of Letters
Sir Peter WILLIAMS, CBE, PhD, FREng, FRS, DSc 1999 - Doctor of Science
Rees WILLIAMS, BEd, MA 1992 - Master of Arts
Rhys WILLIAMS, DSc 2005 - Doctor of Science
Baron WILLIAMS of Oystermouth, PC, FBA, FRSL, FSW, LLD 2016 - Doctor of Laws
Dorothy WILSON, MBE, FRSA, DLitt 2014 - Doctor of Letters
The Very Reverend John WITCOMBE, DLitt 2022 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Ruth WODAK, DLitt 2023 - Doctor of Letters
Martin WOLF, CBE, DSc 2009 - Doctor of Science
*The Rt. Hon. Lord WOLFENDEN OF WESTCOTT, CBE, MA, DLitt 1977 - Doctor of Letters
Anne WOOD, CBE, DLitt 2017 - Doctor of Letters
Dr Eric WOOD, LLD 2007 - Doctor of Laws
*Dr Brian WOOD-SCAWEN, 2012 Chancellor's Medal (awarded posthumously)
*The Rt. Hon. Baroness WOOTTON OF ABINGER, CH, MA, DLitt 1972 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Sir Robert (Milton) WORCESTER, KBE, DL, Hon Prof, FKC, DSc, DLitt, LLD, BSc, LLD 2012 - Doctor of Laws
Y *Dr Tadataka YAMADA, MD, Hon KBE, DSc 2008 - Doctor of Science
*William YARDLEY, MA 1997 - Master of Arts
*Dame Frances Amelia YATES, DBE, OBE, MA, DLitt, FBA, DLitt 1981 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Janet L YELLEN, LLD 2015 - Doctor of Laws
Professor Ada YONATH, PhD, DSc 2015 - Doctor of Science
*Sir Richard Dilworth YOUNG, BSc, FIMechE, CBIM, DSC 1987 - Doctor of Science
Gary Andrew YOUNGE, FAcSS, FRSL, DLitt 2019 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Muhammad YUNUS, LLD 1996 - Doctor of Laws
Z *Professor George ZARNECKI, CBE, MA, PhD, FSA, FBA, DLitt 1978 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Sir Erik Christopher ZEEMAN, FRS, MA, PhD, DSc 1988 - Doctor of Science
*Professor Natalie ZEMON DAVIS, PhD, DLitt 2006 - Doctor of Letters
Professor Xinxin ZHANG, DSc 2018 - Doctor of Science
Professor Harriet ZUCKERMAN, DLitt 2011 - Doctor of Letters
*Professor Harald zur HAUSEN, MD, DSc 2015 - Doctor of Science
