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Protocol for the Delivery and Receipt of Petitions

This page sets out the parameters for the delivery and receipt of petitions to the University. Please ensure that you read the below information before proceeding to the online form.


The Secretary to Council is the designated individual with accountability for corporate governance processes within the University. As such, they are the most appropriate person to receive and acknowledge all petitions.

Delivery and Receipt

Any person or group wishing to deliver a petition or submission should, in the first instance, complete the online form. Details of a lead person must be provided on this form.

If you do not have access to online facilities the petition may be posted or hand delivered, addressed to the Secretary to Council, to the University's registered address at University House Reception, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 8UW. A receipt will be given as proof of delivery.

Having completed the online form, if you or a group wish to also deliver the petition in person, an appointment will be arranged by the Secretary to Council's Office using the contact details provided on the form. A Student Union and/or Trade Union representative may attend the delivery of the petition, if the submission is from the student body or one of the recognised trade unions on campus, and a photograph may be taken.

At the time of delivery and receipt, the Secretary to Council will not be in a position to comment on the nature or content of the petition. The University will consider petitions through its Governance processes, as applicable.

All petitions whether paper based or electronic will be referenced and retained electronically within the University’s Modern Records Centre.

An annual report will be taken to the University Executive Board, detailing all petitions and submissions received through this process during the course of the Academic year.

Given the wide range of submissions that the University receives, and to ensure consistency of approach, no petitions or submissions will be received outside of this agreed process.

Any queries on the operation of this process should be forwarded to the Secretary to Council's Office via