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Health & Safety Policies

You can find the Health and Safety Policy Statement and the Leadership & Management of Health and Safety Document hereLink opens in a new window.

Further arrangements and guidance can be found hereLink opens in a new window.

Current Health & Safety policies:
AcetyleneLink opens in a new window
Agricultural ActivitiesLink opens in a new window
Artificial Optical RadiationLink opens in a new window (Prev. Laser Safety)
AsbestosLink opens in a new window
Biological SafetyLink opens in a new window
Compressed GasesLink opens in a new window
Confined SpacesLink opens in a new window
ContractorsLink opens in a new window
Driver and Vehicle SafetyLink opens in a new window (Ownership of this policy is now Estates)
DronesLink opens in a new window
Display Screen Equipment (DSE)Link opens in a new window
Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres (DSEAR)Link opens in a new window
Electrical SafetyLink opens in a new window
ExplosivesLink opens in a new window
Fire SafetyLink opens in a new window
First AidLink opens in a new window
Ionising RadiationLink opens in a new window (Policy statement)
LeadLink opens in a new window
Lifting Operations and Lifting EquipmentLink opens in a new window
Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV)Link opens in a new window
Manual HandlingLink opens in a new window
Natural Gas InstallationsLink opens in a new window
Permits to WorkLink opens in a new window
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)Link opens in a new window
Pressure SystemsLink opens in a new window
Pyrophoric MaterialsLink opens in a new window
Roof WorkLink opens in a new window
SmokingLink opens in a new window
Statutory Inspection and CertificationLink opens in a new window
Stress ManagementLink opens in a new window
Substances Hazardous to HealthLink opens in a new window
Waste Management PolicyLink opens in a new window (Prev. Hazardous Waste)
Water Safety PolicyLink opens in a new window (Prev. Legionella and Water Quality)
Work EquipmentLink opens in a new window
Working at HeightLink opens in a new window

Draft PoliciesLink opens in a new window (currently under review)