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Fire Action - Clinical Sciences Research Laboratory CSRL

Actions to take in response to Fire and fire alarm system activations at the CSRL facility in the Clinical Sciences Building on the Walsgrave Hospital site.

The Hospital will take the lead in the immediate management and resolution of any incident and your cooperation and response to their instructions is essential.


  • Raise the alarm locally by shouting fire;
  • Leave the building immediately by the nearest available exit, closing any room doors behind you;
  • Activate a red break glass if you pass one as you leave;
  • Report the incident to the hospital’s switch board from any internal phone on 2222 stating the building, the floor level, the room and the nature of the incident;
  • Proceed to the Assembly point at the front (main) entrance to the building.
  • Make yourself know to the Clinical Science Building’s Main Fire Marshal (They will be wearing a yellow hi-viz vest with Fire Marshall on the back) who will be able to pass on your information to the Hospital’s Incident Controller

DO NOT delay to collect personal belongings.

DO NOT assemble at the rear of the building.

DO NOT use lifts.

DO NOT return to the building until notified it is safe to do so by the hospital’s Response Team.



  • Leave the building immediately, closing any room doors behind you; Give assistance to people with disabilities. Preferably, if safe to do so, by escorting them across the first floor link into the adjoining building. Alternatively escort them to a refuge area in any of the staircase enclosures.
  • Inform the Clinical Science Building’s Main Fire Marshal (Yellow hi-viz vest with Fire Marshall on the back) that a refuge is in use;
  • Proceed to the Assembly point at the front (main) entrance to the building.

ONLY collect small valuables (E.g. phone, keys and wallet) and a coat if they are in your immediate vicinity.

DO NOT delay to collect substantial personal belongings.

DO NOT assemble at the rear of the building.

DO NOT use lifts.

DO NOT return to the building until notified it is safe to do so by the hospital’s Response Team.

Fire Assembly Point Location (PDF Document)