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Health and Safety Objectives

Objectives for Health and Safety are set by the University Health and Safety Executive Committee in order to help drive continuous improvement over time. It is anticipated that these objectives will change over time, as the OHSMS matures, but as at present, they are as shown below.

Progress against these objectives can be viewed at departmental level via the 'Safety Committees' dashboard within the Insights+ part of the Assure system.


For the academic year 2023-24 the health and safety objectives are to:

  1. Ensure that less than 5% of open actions within the Assure system identified through Proactive Monitoring (audits and inspections) are overdue at any given point in time.
  2. Ensure that less than 5% of open actions within the Assure system identified through Reactive Monitoring (incidents, near misses, ill-health, etc.) are overdue at any given point in time.
  3. Ensure that 95% of Risk Assessments, identified as being required through risk mapping in in higher hazard spaces, are in place by January 2024
  4. Ensure that 95% of mandatory H&S Training courses (H&S Induction, Fire Safety and DSE) are completed by staff by January 2024*.

 *This is subject to the courses in question being successfully migrated into the Assure system.


For the academic year 2022-23 the health and safety objectives were to:

  1. Ensure that 95% of those actions identified through Proactive Monitoring (inspections, tours, audits etc.) are closed within agreed timescales
  2. Ensure that 95% of those actions identified through Reactive Monitoring (incidents, near misses, ill-health etc.) are closed within agreed timescales

Although objectives for Risk Assessment completion and Training completion were proposed part way through the academic year, system challenges proved such objectives very difficult to measure. It was therefore proposed that these two objectives were deferred until 2023-24.