Violent or Abusive Behaviour
The University will not tolerate violent or abusive behaviour to its staff or on its campus. Community Safety should be called to any incident involving violent or abusive behaviour using extension 22222.
If a member of staff believes they have been subjected to violent behaviour by another member of staff, then they should report it to their line manager or to their Human Resources Adviser who will activate the University's Grievance ProcedureLink opens in a new window or the University's Dignity at Warwick PolicyLink opens in a new window as applicable.
Work-related violence can be defined as “any incident in which a person is abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances relating to their work”. Left unmanaged, workplace violence and aggression can ultimately have serious financial costs for a business through staff not attending work, increased staff turnover and the reputation of the business. There can also be significant impact on staff through physical injury, work-related stress - with subsequent long-term effects on health low morale, motivation and performance.
The information contained in “Managing violence in licensed and retail premisesLink opens in a new window” can be useful helping departments manage and reduce work related violence.