Chemistry Health and Safety Legal Update Training
In support of the University of Warwick Health and Safety Policy and Leadership and Management document, Health and Safety Legal Update training is being rolled out across the University having already been delivered to the University's Senior Management team.
These particular 2-hour training sessions have been adapted to include case studies that will be relevant to the Chemistry Department.
The aim of this training session is to provide those in the Department of Chemistry who have a line management or supervisory role with an understanding of recent developments in the enforcement of health and safety related laws, what your legal responsbilities are and how these responsibilities should influence thinking and the approach to the management of risk.
The purpose of this training is to:
- Outline the reasons for preventing accidents and ill health
- Outline the legal framework for health and safety as related to the Higher Education sector
- Outline the legal framework for health and safsety as related to individuals
- Outline the Health and Safety Executive's (HSE) enforcement options and considerations in relation to prosecution
- Outline the requirements of sector 'best practice' documents such as Responsible Research
- Describe, through the use of a case study, how health and safety law works in practice and how the effective use of Risk Assessment can mitigate risk
- Outline the importance of supervision, incident investigation, inspection and auditing
Booking Form
Please confirm your attendance at one of the training sessions that are being held in your Department (Room C521)