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International scholarships applications

Service description

The International Scholarships Application System provides an application that allows students to apply for scholarships online, and the International Office to manage the process of short-listing the applications for committee and notifying the winners and reserves. The system is supported by IT Services for the International Office.

The service includes:

  • A web portal that allows applicants to start a new application form; save a partially completed application form; finish a partially completed application form; submit an application form; and track the progress of an on-going application.
  • Email confirmations and reminders about applications to applicants.
  • Workflow for the International Office business processes; specifically printing, short-listing and decision making, subsequently reporting back to the applicant through the portal.

List of standard requests

IT Services can create, delete and manage accounts on the International Scholarship Application System, as directed by the International Office.


The service is normally available 24/7, not withstanding periods of non-availability required for planned maintenance.