External Users
You can give non-Warwick members an External User account so they can access University web services via Single Sign-on – for example, SiteBuilder, Tabula or Files.Warwick. Once they have an account, you add permission for the External User in the particular web service.
While it's possible to share restricted pages in SiteBuilder externally by setting a password, for sensitive information we recommend that you provide an External User account and use SiteBuilder permissions instead to control access.
In this article:
Create and manage External User accounts
You can manage External User accounts yourself using the External Users system at https://ext-users.warwick.ac.uk.
- For access to the system, submit a request to the IT Services Help Desk
- For guidance on how to create and manage users, see our help pages
Your responsibilities
In undertaking to create External User accounts, you accept the following conditions and responsibilities:
- You agree to abide by any naming conventions for External User codes which IT Services ask you to follow. The current naming convention is your two-letter department code followed by an underscore, first initial and surname – for example, cu_FBloggs. To avoid clashes with student and staff University IDs, the External User code must contain at least eight characters.
- Each External User account should only be used by the person to whom you assign it; do not share it.
- Do not create or duplicate External User accounts for University members; they already have a University ID.
- You are responsible for managing the life cycle of your External User accounts, reviewing them regularly, and removing any that you no longer need. This ensures that your accounts can be closed or ownership transferred to another Warwick staff member.
- It is your responsibility to ensure that people you create External User accounts for are aware of the University's regulations governing the use of University computing facilities and that they use their account responsibly.
Email is not a secure communication medium and should not be used to provide External User account passwords. We advise providing these over a voice call, or via a secure method, instead.
You should also advise the recipient of the External User account to change their password immediately.
Telephone 73737
Email webteam at warwick dot ac dot uk