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Internal Coaching

What does coaching involve?

Coaching takes place typically over 4-6 months and is carried out by a qualified coach. We use the term ‘coachee’ to refer to the person who is receiving the coaching. Coaching begins with an introductory ‘chemistry’ conversation with a potential coach. This helps both parties to find out if they are compatible to work together. The coach facilitates the coachee to identify goals, these are things they would like to work on during the coaching. This is followed by up to six coaching conversations approximately 1 month apart.
As a member of staff requesting coaching for yourself, you agree to: • Discuss your learning and development needs with your line manager before the coaching. • Review the impact of the coaching and how you will apply your learning after the coaching. • Understand that coaching is non-directive and that the role of the coach is not to provide answers or solve problems. • Understand that coaching is not training, mentoring or counselling. • Uphold the contracting commitments argeed with your coach. • Be open and willing to consider change. • Take responsibility for decisions and actions agreed during coaching sessions.
•Understand that the coaching may be withdrawn if two sessions of coaching are missed or cancelled without prior notice.

I am a manager requesting coaching for a member of my team