Research and Impact Services

Research and Impact Services
Impact Training Programme
We have now moved this site to the Warwick Impact Academy where you will be able to book and register your interest for upcoming training.
Introduction to ImpactLink opens in a new window
This workshop provides a basic foundation of what research impact is and how this is supported at Warwick.
Impact for Early Career Researchers and PhD StudentsLink opens in a new window
This is similar to the Introduction to Impact session, but is particularly aimed at researchers at the beginning of their careers.
Communicating and Showcasing your ResearchLink opens in a new window
This workshop enables participants to develop skills and knowledge in communicating research and how to access relevant users and stakeholders.
Measurement and Evaluation of ImpactLink opens in a new window
This workshop will provide advice on why and how to evaluate impact activities.
You may also be interested in training courses offered by the Warwick Institute of EngagementLink opens in a new window.