Awards and Accreditations
The University works towards a number of charters and benchmarking exercises which allow us to measure our progress on inclusion and identify areas for improvement. Having our work validated by external agencies is most welcome, and helps us to learn from and share best practice.
Learn more about the awards the University holds and is working towards using the links below:
Athena Swan Charter
Warwick holds a Silver Athena Swan award.
Athena Swan is a framework to support and transform gender equality within higher education and research. In committing to the principles of the Athena Swan Charter, we recognise that we join a global community with a shared goal of addressing gender inequalities and embedding inclusive cultures.
Race Equality Charter
Warwick holds a Bronze Race Equality Charter award.
The Race Equality Charter aims to improve the representation, progression and success of minority ethnic staff and students within higher education. It provides a framework for self-reflection on institutional and cultural barriers put in the way of minority ethnic staff and students.
University of Sanctuary
Warwick has been recognised as a University of Sanctuary since 2017.
Higher education has a proud tradition of supporting refugees and asylum seekers. The University of Sanctuary award recognises commitment to creating a culture of safety, solidarity, and empowerment for people seeking sanctuary in, and beyond, our campuses.
UK Workplace Equality Index
Warwick was ranked 122 out of 403 and awarded Gold in the 2022 UK Workplace Equality Index.
The UK Workplace Equality Index is the definitive benchmarking tool for employers to measure their progress on lesbian, gay, bi, and trans inclusion in the workplace, helping to understand what's going well and where to focus efforts to develop LGBTQUIA+ equality.
HR Excellence in Research
Warwick has held the HR Excellence in Research Award since 2012.
The HR Excellence in Research award recognises effective implementation of the 'European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers' which sets out principles for good working conditions for researchers.
Disability Smart
Warwick was awarded a Bronze in the Disability Smart audit in 2021.
Disability Smart is a whole-organisation disability management audit to help organisations measure and improve on performance for disabled customers/clients/ service users, employees, and stakeholders, and identify ways to improve practice, policy and process.
Disability Employment Charter
Warwick is a founder member of the Disability Employment Charter.
The Disability Employment Charter is a call for the government to act. It proposes a set of vital measures that, if implemented in a concerted manner, would substantially shift the dial on disability employment. So far, 220+ organisations have signed up.
Race at Work Charter
We are proud to be a signatory of Business in the Community’s Race at Work Charter.
The Race at Work Charter asks businesses to make a public commitment to improving equality of opportunity in the workplace. It focuses on seven calls to action to ensure that ethnic minority employees are represented at all levels in an organisation.
Social Mobility Pledge
Warwick is a signatory to the Social Mobility Pledge.
The Social Mobility Pledge is a coalition of 550 businesses globally employing over 5 million people, as well as more than 50 universities representing almost 2 million students. It encourages organisations to be a force for good by putting social mobility at the heart of their purpose.
Read the Social Inclusion Annual Report for more about social inclusion at Warwick and the action we're taking.
The Social Inclusion Annual Report highlights the work that has been taking place across the University over the last year, and how it is helping us to meet our Social Inclusion Strategy objectives to increase the diversity of our staff and student communities, develop an inclusive culture, and become an internationally recognised leader in inclusion.