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Conference Support Award

Conference Support Award

As part of our commitment to the Athena Swan Action Plan, the University operates a Conference Support Award of up to £200 to cover additional childcare costs an individual incurs whilst attending training that is essential to the effective performance of their role.

This award may be reimbursed tax-free in specific circumstances, but if these are not fully met, HMRC rules require reimbursement to be processed via the payroll as a taxable payment. In that case, the employee will receive the net sum after the deduction of tax and National Insurance.

Applications will be processed at Departmental level (and so the form should be submitted to the individual’s line manager) and funded from Departmental budgets.

Employees may apply for funding for two separate events in any given academic year.

Download the Conference Support Award Application Form here and submit it to your line manager.

+ If you have caring responsibilities and would benefit from adjustments at work, the Adjustments Policy can help.

Read the Social Inclusion Annual Report for more about social inclusion at Warwick and the action we're taking.

The Social Inclusion Annual Report highlights the work that has been taking place across the University over the last year, and how it is helping us to meet our Social Inclusion Strategy objectives to increase the diversity of our staff and student communities, develop an inclusive culture, and become an internationally recognised leader in inclusion.