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About the programme

The EmpowerHer programme has been developed in recognition of the underrepresentation of minority ethnic women in leadership positions and in response to the feedback we received from BAME women during our recent staff culture focus groups. The six-month programme will combine workshops and group coaching, delivered by consultant and executive coaches Banke Sotmoi and Uzma Waseem, both of whom have extensive experience facilitating inclusive leadership programmes (see more about Banke and Uzma here). The programme is designed around the principle that to deliver meaningful change, we have to include different communities across Warwick and therefore engages line managers as well as minority ethnic women in academic and professional services roles.


The programme is open to academic and professional services women, grade 5, 6, and 7, who belong to minority ethnic groups and their managers. In order to take part you and your manager must be available to attend all sessions.



Women aspiring leaders will attend:

  • 3 full day, in-person workshops.
  • 3 Teams coaching sessions (participants will be divided into 3 groups for the coaching).
  • 1 joint in-person session which brings together the aspiring leaders and their managers.

Line managers will attend:

  • 1 half day in-person workshop.
  • 1 half-day Teams workshop.
  • 1 Teams coaching session (participants will be divided into 3 groups for the coaching).
  • 1 full day in-person workshop with the women aspiring leaders to close the programme.



Activities for the 2023/24 programme will take place on the following dates



To apply please complete this form by 23 November 2023 with your name and email address, your line manager’s name and email address, and confirmation that you can both attend all sessions. Please note applications for 2023/24 have now closed.