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Time off and flexibility

There are occasions on which staff or students may request time off from work or study to observe a religious holiday; for example, some religious observances prohibit work (such as the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur). Additionally, staff may need time off or flexibility to make time for prayer; for example, some religions have holy days in the week where religious observance or particular practices are expected or especially important at certain times (e.g., Muslims may require an extended lunch break on Fridays in order to attend a congregational prayer and sermon which takes place after noon).

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Case studies

A Hindu member of staff will be celebrating Maha Shivaratri (a festival celebrated annually in honour of the god Shiva), which will involve observing a fast and staying awake overnight to pray. As the festival is due to fall on a Monday, the staff member requests to work from home to save time on commuting and to start later on Tuesday in order to catch up on some sleep before work.

The manager is happy that the staff member’s work can be completed at home (e.g., their role does not require a physical presence on campus, access to resources on campus is not needed), and checks they have the equipment they require (e.g., a laptop, somewhere to work, a headset). The manager confirms that the staff member has no meetings or teaching in the morning and any meetings in the afternoon can be held online. It is agreed the staff member can start work later and work from home for the day.


Return to the an overview of guidance on how you can accommodate and support common religion, faith, or belief-based requests.

Dietary requirments and fasting

How can you support staff who are fasting? Can students request extensions/mitigating circumstances due to fasting?

Religious dress or symbols

Are there circumstances in which you can ask staff/students to remove religious dress/symbols or to conform to a particular dress code?

Opting out

Do you need to automatically approve staff requests to opt out of duties? Can students opt out of aspects of their course?