Inclusive Talent Programmes

We are identifying talent that has found itself excluded and under-represented in higher education and providing programmes to nurture that talent and establish a pipeline of diverse and inclusive leaders for today and tomorrow.
Increasing the diversity of our staff, particularly at senior levels, is essential to providing an inclusive experience of outstanding academic and professional growth at the University for both our staff and students. Diversity of thought leads to innovation and creativity - inherited and acquired diversity characteristics are indicators of diversity of thought. Representing different experiences and approaches, it brings fresh challenge to ways of thinking and doing things.
The inclusive talent programmes outlined below support our drive for a workforce whose diversity and inclusive leadership will be inspirational for Warwick’s staff, students, and the partners and communities we work with.
A programme beyond leadership development, supporting leaders who face well documented barriers getting into top leadership positions to explore their unique identity as a leader and plan career paths.
INspire is for disabled, women, LGBTQUIA+, and ethnic minority staff at grade 9, both in Academic and Professional Services roles, who have an ambition to be a top/executive senior leader.
The programme offers a mix of training, peer mentoring, coaching, sponsorship by University Executive Board members, and opportunities to converse with leaders from a wide range of sectors.

A strategic initiative designed to bridge the diversity gap at grade 9 by supporting the next generation of leaders who have traditionally faced barriers to senior leadership positions, and providing inclusive leadership training for their managers.
Accelerate is for disabled, women, LGBTQUIA+, and ethnic minority staff at grades 7 and 8, both in Academic and Professional Services roles and their managers.
The programme offers a mix of training, mentoring by INspire alumni, and peer coaching for participants, as well as inclusive leadership sessions for line managers.

A personal development programme for under-represented staff and their managers, to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to address the unique challenges they face and equip their managers to become catalysts for change.
EmpowerUs is for disabled, women, LGBTQUIA+, and ethnic minority staff at grades 4, 5, and 6, both in Academic and Professional Services roles and their managers.
The programme offers a mix of training and coaching by Delta executive coach Banke Sotmoi for participants, as well as inclusive leadership sessions and coaching for line managers.

To nuture diverse talent and develop inclusive leaders we are also working on inclusive recruitment and review processes.
To support managers, we've created guidance on inclusive recruitment and inclusive Personal Development Reviews. In these documents, you'll find advice, good practice, and actions you can take to assess performance and develop talent without bias, in PDRs and at all stages of the recruitment process from designing inclusive roles to making an offer.