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In previous years the University only published the details of the remuneration of the Vice-Chancellor in its annual accounts each December. However, when I took up the role of Vice-Chancellor the University’s Council agreed to my request that the information on my remuneration should be published as soon as any change was finalised and approved by Remuneration Committee and reported to Council.

There has been no increase in my salary this year to report. However, the remuneration I now receive after tax has in fact reduced. As I undertook to publish any change here, I now also record that detail.

Following the introduction of new tax rules applying to my University provided accommodation, the basis on which I am taxed on this has changed. My total taxable income and benefits reported in the University’s accounts has increased by £8,000 as a result of the revised value of the accommodation benefit, calculated on the new basis.

However, there is no increase to my actual salary. In fact, the increase in tax liability actually reduces my remuneration after tax. You can see the University’s full accounts here.

Further information that will be published on these pages

I also publish here details of any other expenses that I incur in this role once those expenses have been submitted as approved by an authorised signatory in accordance with the University's financial regulations. For overseas travel, the proposed purpose and duration of all trips are approved in advance by the Pro-Chancellor and Chair of Council.

All the figures regarding salary provided on these pages will of course be provisional until they are published as part of the University’s Statutory Accounts each December.