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Clinical Trials Unit banner

The Design Team redesigned a mid range pop-up stand for the Clinical Trials Unit. The previous design had been in place since the 2015 launch of the University Brand and as such had become dated. The new design not only reflects the evolution of the brand itself, but also conveys the values and subject areas of the department.

Tue 17 Mar 2020, 09:08 | Tags: Design, printing, ctu, banners

Catch it, bin it, kill it!

Our second poster with hygiene advice to protect yourself and keep others from getting unwell. It can be laminated, which makes it strong, water and scratch-resistant and highly durable in order to be displayed above sinks etc.
Contact us to get your copy or to personalize or amend the design.

Wed 11 Mar 2020, 08:43 | Tags: Design, CatchIt, Print, BinIt, poster, flyers, coronavirus, KillIt

Get your message up there!

Lamp-post banners are a great way to get your message out there on campus.

Here are some recent designs we completed for Team Warwick, to help promote their exciting sport clubs played on campus.

Mon 02 Mar 2020, 09:59 | Tags: Design, Print, banners, promotional

WMG Apprenticeship handbooks

We worked with Warwick Manufacturing Group to develop a range of student handbooks for this year's new intake of apprentices. The print runs were tailored to the number of intake students on each course and turned around in super quick time!

Fri 11 Oct 2019, 10:06 | Tags: Design, handbook, printing, apprenticeships

Visit the Student Opportunity Hub

Working in collaboration with Graphic Arts we designed and commissioned the new signage for Student Opportunity on main campus. Student Opportunity is an amalgamation of what was Student Careers, Student Skills and the International Office.

We take pride in on brand signage across campus as a way finder for our students and staff alike.


Wed 09 Oct 2019, 14:34 | Tags: Design, Signage, printing, largeformat

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