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Weekly Wellbeing Themes

Managing Exams and Deadlines 

Feeling nervous, anxious and stressed around exams and deadlines is normal. It can be helpful to recognise these feelings and put in place strategies to best manage them. Feeling calmer and more in control can help you manage exams and deadlines. We have some great tips on managing deadlines and exam stress to help through these times.  

If you have multiple deadlines, be organised and work to smaller, more manageable goals. During exam time, remember to look after your wellbeing - take regular breaks, eat well and have a revision timetable which allows you a rest in between your studying. Remember all the successes you have had in your academic journey so far, and be kind to yourself.   

To build more skills which will equip you during university and beyond, why not attend our Steps to Wellbeing Course. Over 5 weekly sessions, we cover many useful techniques including managing stress and anxiety, procrastination and relaxation.   

If you would like to speak to someone at Wellbeing and Student Support, you can have a brief consultation with a Wellbeing Adviser. Please access the Wellbeing Portal to join a queue for a brief consultation with an Adviser, Monday to Friday from 10am to 3pm. Consultations can be face to face in Senate House, or online. They both require you to join the queue online when you are available.  


      The following videos may prove helpful to some students to view both prior to arrival and upon arrival.

      Before arrival:
      On arrival:

      Hear from Sophie,

      Meet our team member Sophie, who is here to talk you through managing your anxiety.

      Understanding Wellbeing

      A new online module is now available for all Warwick students. It has been designed to improve the wellbeing literacy of students at Warwick and has been co-created by IATL Staff and Students to make sure that it can be accessible to all and geared for often time-constrained University life.

      To access the Online Module on Moodle click here

      You may find it helpful to view a 2 minute introduction to the module.