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Keeping your money safe

Banking and shopping online

Avoid storing cash

  • After arriving in the UK, you may still have to wait 4-6 weeks for an appointment at your chosen UK bank if you would like to open a traditional bank account. As soon as you have received your BRP card, we strongly recommend that you arrange a digital or international banking solution. Most places in the UK prefer card payment these days, also all cafes and shops on campus are cashless.
  • We would urge you to take the same precautions in the UK as most people would in their home country – do not carry large amounts of cash with you or store it in your room. If you must carry cash, try not to display that you have a lot of money with you, as it could be stolen.
  • We’d recommend that you carry a small amount of cash for your first few days – enough to cover transport from the airport; maybe emergency accommodation if you need it. Alongside this, we recommend that you carry a pre-arranged bank card or prepaid cardLink opens in a new window, which you can use in the UK, which has enough funds for most of your expenses in the first few weeks (e.g. fee payments; rent; food and medicines).
  • According to the UK Customs information,Link opens in a new window if you are planning to bring more than £10,000 cash into the UK with you, you must declare it to the Customs official at the airport when you enter the UK. We strongly advise against bringing a large amount of cash.