Warwick Presents...
Discover and share opportunities to get involved in your student community
Our team showcase activities happening at Warwick to help you make the most of your University experience, meet new people or just have fun. We offer a diverse range of FREE events and activities designed to help you make the most of your time at Warwick. Whether you're interested in cultural celebrations, film screenings, games, sports, or opportunities to perform and create, there’s something for everyone.
Visit the Warwick Presents website to discover the full range of activities on offer.
Get in touch
Cultural Celebrations
Our community at Warwick is vibrant and diverse, with students from all over the world. Throughout the year, Warwick Presents will bring together cross-campus cultural celebrations, offering you the chance to explore and share global traditions, festivals, and experiences. These events are a fantastic opportunity to step beyond your cultural comfort zone, try something new, and connect with people from all walks of life.
Global Light Procession
The Global Light Procession is an exciting new highlight of Warwick Presents coming in Term 1. The procession will celebrate our campus's cultural diversity through a stunning illuminated parade. Students will collaborate with professional artists in a series of workshops to create unique props that showcase their cultural heritage. This procession is a creative and unifying event that lights up the campus, bringing together the entire Warwick community. Discover how you can participate.Link opens in a new window
Looking Ahead
In the 2024/25 academic year, we’re taking time to consult with students, listening to your ideas and co-designing a brand-new program for 2025/26. This process will ensure that the events and activities we offer continue to be relevant, engaging, and reflective of the interests of our student community.
Stay tuned for opportunities to get involved and help shape the future of Warwick Presents.
Want to promote your own activities?
We know you must be excited to find out what life on campus is really like, and we're sure you'll have your own ideas for fun activities to make it even better! If you're part of a society and are hosting an event that's open to all students, you can submit your content to us and we'll help you promote it by adding it to our Warwick Presents calendar.
We can't wait to meet you and are passionate about making sure your time at Warwick is as enriching and fun as it possibly can be.