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Griffith (China) - Arts and Humanities Foundation course (2019/20)

Griffith studied the Arts and Humanities Foundation course from 2019-2020 and is now studying at King's College London.

We caught up with him recently to hear all about his time on the International Foundation Programme.


Griffith (China) - Arts and Humanities Foundation course (2019/20)

I'm Griffith Chen from China. I was part of the Warwick International Foundation Programme-Arts and Humanities course in 2019. I have just finished my second year of the Digital Culture BA at King's College London.

My strong interest in Humanities is why I chose the Arts and Humanities as my foundation year course. I highly appreciated the quality of teaching and the curriculum of IFP. In terms of the course, the IFP has helped me to understand philosophy, history, and art appreciation from a broader perspective. I am very grateful to Amy Stickels, who was my philosophy teacher at the time, and I still consider her to be the most influential person in the last few years. She has led me to read many scholars' views from a philosophical perspective, and the ability to 'think critically' has continued to accompany me in solving life's problems and looking at society more objectively. I believe that this is a transferable ability.

I would recommend the Warwick IFP to others if I had the chance, as it provides you with an excellent environment, not only in terms of the academics but also the atmosphere on campus and the care from the staff. I believe that such an atmosphere would not be given by other foundation programmes.

With the help of the Warwick IFP team, I finally chose KCL for my undergraduate studies, specialising in Digital Culture. The course provides us with critical insights into the social, political, and economic challenges and opportunities brought about by digital technologies. The critical and philosophical thinking has largely helped me to develop many insights into the digital society, and I have also joined many companies and industries as an intern to enforce my practical skills in the digital transformation aspect. Digital Culture BA, as an insight into society, does not limit our career paths but gives us more exposure to this digital society.