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International Help Centre

Welcome to our Help Centre. Our commonly asked questions can be found below, or if you have question that you need an answer for, you can join us each week during our Live Chats.

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What are the living costs at Warwick?

I was just wondering what the living costs are like for someone living on campus?

What is the accommodation like at Warwick?

I've received an offer to study at Warwick and im currently looking into where I will stay. What are the options for living on campus, and what are they like? Any advice appreciated.

Mon 23 Apr 2018, 10:24 | Tags: Current Student, -Apply, Vivien

How do I join the alumni association?

Can you tell me how I can register with the alumni at Warwick?

Mon 22 Jan 2018, 11:31 | Tags: -Other, Current Student, Alumni

What is music like at Warwick University?

Hi, What is music at Warwick like, considering it doesn't offer music as a degree option? thanks

Fri 17 Nov 2017, 15:45 | Tags: -Other, Current Student, Life on campus