Student Profile: Theresa Eingartner
Discover Theresa's journey at Warwick and what led them to apply for the MASc Data Visualisation |
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How did you hear about Warwick?
Warwick is at the top of the Google results list when you search for ‘master data visualisation’. The course is so specific and I love it.
Where else did you consider studying?/ Where did your friends or siblings go?
I considered the courses " MSc Data Science with Visualization" at Newcastle University and "MA Design for Data Visualisation" at the University of the Arts
London (UAL).
Why did you choose Warwick over other UK universities and other universities in the world?
I liked the interdisciplinary approach to data visualisation at Warwick. The course is offered by the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies (CIM) which
means that it combines data, coding, design and theory to an equal measure. The courses by the other universities are skewed in one direction or the other.
I also wanted to study abroad and preferably in the UK, so it was a great fit.
When you found out about Warwick, did you contact the University to find out more? Which department?
Yes, I got in touch with the convenor of the course and asked about the exact structure of the course. I needed that to be able to apply for the DAAD
scholarship. They were very helpful.
How did you apply and did anyone help you with your application form and visa application? Any difficulties?
I applied quite early and while my scholarship application was still being processed. There were a few suspenseful weeks when I had to accept the offer
from the university but had not yet heard anything from the scholarship. So I was very happy when that all worked out. Other than that I did not have any
problems. I got the visa two days after applying for it.
Did you use an Agent? If so, which one?
Who is funding your studies?
My DAAD scholarship. And due to the collaboration of Warwick with the DAAD I also got a tuition fee waiver by the university.
Was your arrival and orientation okay? What were your first impressions/highlights?
Welcome week is a bit overwhelming but also fantastic and fun. Try to go to as many sessions and fairs as possible, it is so fun to see all the opportunities!
I was very impressed by the modern and student-oriented buildings on campus (FAB, Oculus, Arts Centre). They are so nice to study in. I can also recommend
the online campus map - it saved me a lot of detours.
What is the best thing about Warwick?
The close relationship between lecturers and students. You will have a personal tutor with whom you'll meet at least once a term and who cares not only about
your academic performance but also for you as a person and your overall wellbeing. Unheard of in Germany! It's the opposite of an anonymous system
where you might slip through the cracks and no one notices. There are no cracks at Warwick.
What is the worst thing about Warwick?
There is no "mensa" or cantine on campus. That was a huge adjustment for me.
What are your impressions of your accommodation? Is this on campus/off campus?
I live in Westwood, an on campus accomodation. It is the furthest away from central campus but the closest to Tesco. I can recommend getting a bike when you live in Westwood and then you'll have a great time.
Are you a member of any societies? If so, what have you done with them?
I was part of the Chorus (one concert a term, together with the orchestra) and Vox Warwick (small choir, focused on having fun singing pop arrangements).
Can recommend both!
Have you travelled in the UK/Europe?
Yes, I've explored the area on foot, by bike and with the train. I think Shrewsbury might be my highlight so far (yes, even better than Oxford!)
What do you hope to do when you graduate?
Get a job in data journalism or in a data vis agency somewhere in Europe (I'm including the UK in that statement).
If you were giving advice to a student considering study at Warwick, what advice would you give them?
Go for it, can recommend :) If you're from Germany, try and apply for the DAAD scholarship.
What one thing makes you happy about Warwick?
The lovely people I've met.
Theresa's course:
MASc Data Visualisation focuses on the skills and knowledge needed to design, develop, deploy and interpret data visualisations.