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About us

Mission Statement

At Warwick, our team combines passion, creativity and innovation to inspire young minds and maximise their potential, through unique opportunities both in school and on campus. Our work spans many geographical reaches, supporting young people and their parents/carers to make informed decisions on a local, regional and national level.

We run a wide range of events and activities for young people aged between 9 and 19, targeted at state school educated students, students who would be the first in their family to attend university, students from low socio-economic backgrounds and students who come from neighbourhoods where there is low progression to higher education.

Our aim is to enhance and encourage access to higher education for all those who have the potential to study at university, regardless of background, and to ensure that the students studying at the University of Warwick are representative of our local and wider national communities.

Ensuring the university is accessible to students from all backgrounds is one of the strategic priorities set out in Warwick's University strategy, demonstrating our commitment to widening participation and the significance placed on this important work.

Please visit the What we offer page to see the many ways in which you can engage with our work or contact with any questions.

Our latest Widening Participation Annual Report is now out - you can read it here.

You can find out more about the work and team in the University of Warwick Access and Participation Plan and Impact Reports that we publish.