Teaching Race and the British Empire
Teaching Race and the British Empire
Friday 2nd March, 16:45-19:00 at the University of Warwick
Secondary History teachers are invited to a special CPD event at the University of Warwick exploring the West India Regiments in the 18th to 20th centuries as a lens through which to examine colonial history, empire, the slave trade, and military history.
Speakers include:
- Keynote speakers Abdul Mohamud and Dr Robin Whitburn, founders of Justice To History and history educators at UCL Institute of Education
- Andy Holland, who has worked as a History teacher and lecturer in schools and colleges for over 30 years, and is also an experienced A Level examiner and the author of a number of A Level History textbooks
- Melissa Bennett, PhD student at Warwick University working on the Africa’s Sons Under Arms Project and Higher Education Coordinator at Museum of London
The event will enable teachers to build on their knowledge of teaching race and empire in the classroom through object-based learning, extend best practice in developing students’ skills in historical enquiry and interpretation, and take away practical ideas for lessons. There will also be networking opportunities and refreshments provided.
The event is aimed at key stage 3, key stage 4 and A Level History teachers.
The event is part of Africa's Sons Under Arms, a collaborative research project between the University of Warwick and the British Library, and funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). It uses the history of the West India Regiments to explore armed people of African descent serving within the wider British army. This will bring improved understanding of the nature of racial thought from the 18th to 20th centuries. For more information on the project and to view online resources: www.bl.uk/west-india-regiment/about-the-project
The event is FREE of charge but booking is required. To do so, please e-mail Sheilagh.Holmes@warwick.ac.uk