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Rayna Suzuki Testimonial

Name: Rayna Suzuki
Home Country: Japan
Pre-University Summer School course studied: A Taste of Social Scieces in 2024

What encouraged you to choose to join the Warwick Summer School?

What encouraged me to choose the Warwick Pre-University Summer School was the opportunity to immerse myself in the academic environment of a UK university, which has always been a dream of mine. Warwick’s summer school, in particular, stood out to me since it has long been my dream university.

What skills and knowledge did you gained during the 10 days that you have found most beneficial?

During the 10 days, I experienced tremendous growth in a lot of areas, particularly in my communication skills. I’ve always been a shy, quiet kid, and I found it challenging to express myself in group settings. However, through group activities (such as team building activities and prepping for a group presentation), I slowly gained confidence to voice my thoughts and opinions as I had to understand and engage with people from around the world, with different perspectives and backgrounds. By the end of the programme, I found myself being more comfortable speaking up, actively participating in conversations, and even leading discussions.

Did you build any new friendships during your time on the summer school?

I was truly fortunate to be surrounded by such nice and friendly people, and it didn’t take long for me to make friends and form a strong bond with them. It felt like we had known each other for years, and by the end of the programme, we were more like sisters than just friends. It has been a while since the summer school ended, but we all stay in touch regularly and have already made plans to reunite in London when we turn 18! We always talk about how it’s crazy to think that the 10 days together created friendships that will last a lifetime!

Image of group of students sat on stairs smiling

What was your highlight of taking part in Warwick Summer School?

Initially, I was unsure of what kind of studies I wanted to pursue in college, but the lectures helped me realise what I was actually interested in and gain a clearer vision of what I wanted to study/do in the future. Each lecture broadened my perspectives, deepening my understanding of the topic and sparking new interests. On the social side, I truly loved every activity, whether it was singing and dancing the night away at the disco or enjoying laid-back conversations in the kitchen with my friends and ambassadors. The ambassadors gave us insights into college and offered us invaluable advice. I’m sure their guidance helped my flatmates and I gain a better understanding of the challenges we may face in the future, and how to overcome them.

What advice would you give to future students participating in the Warwick Summer School to get the most out of the programme?

My biggest piece of advice is to cherish every single moment. The 10 days will fly by faster than you can imagine, and the last day will come before you know it. So don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, otherwise, you may miss out on the experiences that you can only gain during the programme. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience; just enjoy it to the fullest!

Group of students smiling in front of Purple Warwick Summer Schools sign