Circular Economy in Action on Campus
We’re developing a strategy for a more circular campus based on the three main pillars of Circular Economy:
Current Circular Economy Projects
Warwick Swap
Warwick Swap is for University of Warwick staff/departments only. This brilliant scheme enables the reuse of furniture on campus. You can list items that are no longer needed in your department and also browse and search items that other departments have listed that may be of use to your department!
Donation Drive
Thousands of students move out of on-campus accommodation each year and it is not always possible for them to take all their belongings. The Donation Drive is a project to rehome these unwanted items, to prevent waste and to promote reuse. By collecting unwanted belongings, we can ensure that as many of them as possible can be reused on campus or donated to local charities. The Donation Drive enables students to easily donate unwanted kitchenware, food, books, small electricals, clothes, duvets & bedding before they leave.
Kitchen Kit Market
Kitchenware that is collected through the Donation Drive will be resold at the Kitchen Kit Market during Welcome Week. This is a great way to keep the donated equipment in use, but also a great way for students to save money when getting kitted out for life on campus!
Upcoming Projects
We have some exciting projects in the planning stages and we’d love to hear your ideas for reducing waste and making Warwick’s campus more circular. There are some great Circular Economy projects already happening on campus, with more coming soon!