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Climate Literacy Training

We are pleased to announce that Climate Literacy Training is now available - you can enrol hereLink opens in a new window.

This training will provide a fundamental awareness of how our way of living is having an impact on the planet, and how we can make a difference by reducing those impacts. It will be available to all staff and students.

There are two certificates available:

Classic – entirely asynchronous online training delivered via Moodle, comprising of six units. Estimated 10-15 hours to complete. Assessed by a quiz at the end of the course. This does not need to be completed in one day. The Classic Certificate is a prerequisite for the Gold Certificate.

Gold – in person 2-hour workshop, which will involve discussing communicating about climate change and creating climate action plans. This session will allow you to network with others who have completed the Classic Certificate. Students can sign up here Link opens in a new windowand staff can sign up hereLink opens in a new window. Find a recap of the first two Gold Workshops hereLink opens in a new window.

The units which make up the classic course are:

Unit 1: Basic Concepts

Unit 2: Impacts of Climate Change and Climate Justice

Unit 3: Impact across Different Sectors

Unit 4: From International Commitments to Local Action

Unit 5: Individual Action

Unit 6: Communicating Climate Change: Tips and Challenges

Warwick Award

This course is a Warwick Award recognised activity. It is also part of the new Warwick Award Sustainability Pathway. Completion of the Classic Climate Literacy Training on Moodle will earn you 3 CSP on submission of your reflection. You can also earn an additional 1 CSP by attending the Gold Climate Literacy Training workshop and reflecting on the experience.

This training course was developed by University of Warwick staff members, including those from Global Sustainable Development, WMG and the Energy and Sustainability Team.

If you would like to take the training, but are not able to take the online course, please email us at

Warwick Green Rewards

Once you have completed the classic certificate, you can upload this to Warwick Green RewardsLink opens in a new window. Green Rewards is an online web platform and app where you log your sustainable actions—like active travel, recycling, and sustainable shopping—and earn Green Points as a result.

By uploading your certificate, you will receive 2,000 Green Points. Each month there is a raffle, with the chance to win either a £5 or £10 voucher from a variety of vendors.