List of Green Champions
Arts Centre | Sam Matthews |
Jim Morris | |
Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies | Beverley Morris |
Centre For Teacher Education | Samantha Cruickshank |
Chemistry | Dana Druka |
James Mawson | |
Nishi Vasisht | |
Computer Science | Maria Ferreiro |
Sharon Howard | |
Ian Saunders | |
Conference Parks and Events | Clive Singleton |
Julie M Taylor | |
Economics | Andrew Taylor |
Education Policy and Quality | Louise Hasler |
Engineering | Chloe Agg |
James Atkinson | |
Rachel Grimes | |
Richard Lillington | |
Corinne Maltby | |
Angeles Rivero Pacho | |
English and Comparative Literary Studies |
Emma Mason Andrea Humber |
Estates | Andy Bastable |
David Chapman | |
Wendy Jenkinson | |
Katherine Mayfield | |
Chris Wilson | |
Executive office | Kate Hugton |
Finance | Jo Mourant |
Global Sustainable Development | Jessica Savage |
Human Resources | Tanya Hayman |
Ana Fernandez Martinez | |
Chloe Taylor | |
International Strategy and Relations | Matthew Evans |
IT Services | Sara Lever |
Library | Francis Pinches |
Life Sciences | Alex Jones |
Gillian Prince | |
Jeanette Selby | |
Lesley Ward | |
Emma Withers | |
PAIS | Emily Rycroft |
Philosophy | Kerry Talmage |
Physics | Aruni Fonsek |
Kathrun Gotze | |
Dan Martin | |
Terry Sulivan | |
Psychology | Catherine Johnstone |
Adriano Lameira | |
Alice Mason | |
Kate Messenger | |
Katharine McEnery | |
Social Sciences | Peter Dickinson |
Sociology | Amy Clarke |
SROAS | Katie Barlow |
Statistics | Barbell Finkenstadt |
Jeremie Houssineau | |
Strategic Programme Delivery | Gemma Wilkins |
Strategy Group | Matthew Evans |
Student Administrative Services | Emma Ford |
Student Opportunity | Helen Thomas |
Student Recruitment, Outreach and Admissions (SROAS) | Katie Barlow |
Kayleigh Buckingham-Pegg | |
Sarah Glassborow | |
Catherine McNicholl | |
Students Union | Celine Clarke |
Tensi Hill | |
Luke Mepham | |
University House | Elizabeth Gillick-Daniels |
Warwick Business School | Faye Neivens |
Liam Phizacklea | |
Warwick Employment Group | Emma Durrant |
Warwick Enterprise | Debbie Smith |
Warwick Medical School | Sam Careless |
Joanna Fleming | |
Maddy Hill | |
Helen Watkin | |
Warwick Ventures | Brendan Spillane |
Wellesbourne Campus | Debbie Girdlestone |
WMG | Tanya Carey |
Thomas Grandjean | |
Silvia Konaklieva | |
Julia Laevskaya | |
Maryam Masood | |
Gary Stocker | |
Lakshika Thuthipavananth | |
Sarah Wilson |