Hedgehog Friendly Campus
The University is part of the Hedgehog Friendly Campus initiative which aims to support hedgehogs on their path to recovery. We have a core working group with representatives from Communications, Grounds and Sustainability as well as staff and student members. However, in order to have the biggest impact we need to recruit a team of volunteers to support us at events, get involved in litter picks, develop fundraising initiatives and lots more. If you would like to get involved or join us Hedgehog Friendly Campus Volunteers Teams group, email Katherine Mayfield, Sustainability Champion ( katherine.mayfield@warwick.ac.uk ).
We’re very proud to announce that University of Warwick has been awarded a Silver AccreditationLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window for being a Hedgehog Friendly CampusLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window, just one year after achieving Bronze status. Achieving a silver award means a great deal to our community as it reflects our growing commitment to becoming a more environmentally friendly campus.
In the past year, students and staff at Warwick have:
- Organised regular litter picks – sign up now for our Wednesday Warwick Wombles litter picks here,
- Worked with local community, such as providing information about the risks of bonfires to local businesses,
- Produced a garden maintenance and hedgehog friendly-guide for students who live in off-campus accommodations,
- Conducted hedgehog surveys on the main and Wellesbourne campuses.
Some individuals have been spotted in recent years, however we don't have a clear understanding of where they are present. We have put up a number of camera traps and will be undertaking surveys in 2024 once the hedgehogs have emerged from hibernation.
If you see a hedgehog on campus or elsewhere you can log it on the Big Hedgehog MapLink opens in a new window.
Find out how you can help hedgehogs to survive and strive in your area with tips to make your garden hedgehog-friendlyLink opens in a new window.
What is next for Hedgehog Friendly Campus?
- This year we are working towards the Gold accreditation.
- We ran a bug hotel making session as part of Green Week in 2024. These bug hotels, located near to the student allotments, will provide a habitat for invertebrates, which are hedgehogs main source of food.
- Hedgehog Friendly Campus ran a campaigns workshop for students on 17th January 2024. Students enjoyed the event and developed ideas for campaigns to help hedgehogs on campus.
- If you would like to borrow the footprint tunnels that we use for our surveys email sustainability@warwick.ac.ukLink opens in a new window. Hedgehogs will be out of hibernation in spring, so it is the ideal time to do a survey.
- We can second in the Big Hog Litter Pick Challenge in 2023. This ran from the 19th of September to the 30th of November 2023. You can sign up to Warwick Wombles Litter Picks and learn more about the challenge here.
- Another way you can get involved is by signing up as a Hedgehog Street Hedgehog Champion hereLink opens in a new window. It is free to register. Hedgehog Street Link opens in a new windowis a campaign funded by The British Hedgehog Preservation Society and People's Trust for Endangered Species with the goal of transforming gardens and your local areas into places that are safe for hedgehogs. Please be aware that this is a different scheme to Hedgehog Friendly Campus. Once registered, you get access to lots of materials such as ideas for activities and a space to share hedgehog stories. If you do this, please email us your confirmation email to sustainability@warwick.ac.ukLink opens in a new window as it goes towards our Gold Award evidence for HFC.
- We have now put up two 'Slow down - Hedgehog Area' signs. These are located on Leighfield Road and we hope to get more in future. Traffic is very dangerous for hedgehogs and other small mammals so by putting these signs up, we hope to reduce this risk and encourage drivers to slow down.