Recycling at Residences

Dry Mixed Recycling
Yes, please
✔ Empty cans
✔ Empty plastic bottles
✔ Cling film
✔ Shrink wrap
✔ Paper and magazines
✔ Cardboard
✔ Empty food containers such as yoghurt pots, take away containers, sandwich wrappers
No, thank you
✘ Food including plate scrapings
✘ Liquid
✘ Paper towels and serviettes
✘ Tea bags
✘ Crisp packets
✘ Biscuit wrapper
✘ Sweet wrapper
✘ Carrier bags
Remember to NOT include black bags and make sure all cans, bottles and food containers are clean and empty. If the recycling waste is contaminated by food and drink it CANNOT be recycled!
Food Waste Recycling
Yes, please
✔ Food
✔ Teabags and ground coffee
✔ Peelings and fruit cores
✔ Plate scrapings
✔ Egg shells
No, thank you
✘ Clingfilm and plastic bags
✘ Liquid
✘ Cutlery and crockery
✘ Paper towels and serviettes
✘ Empty food containers such as yoghurt pots, take away containers, sandwich wrappers
✘ Empty tins and cans
Remember to NOT include black bags as they decrease the amount of food we can recycle!
Glass Recycling
Yes, please
✔ Wine and Beer bottles
✔ Glasses
✔ Broken Glass
✔ Glass jars
No, thank you
✘ Crockery
✘ Cutlery
✘ Food
✘ Paper and cardboard
✘ Empty food containers
Remember to NOT include black bags and make sure all bottles and jars are clean and empty. If the recycling waste is contaminated by food and drink it CANNOT be recycled!
General Waste
Yes, please
✔ Black bin bags
✔ Dirty packaging including oily pizza boxes
✔ Crisp packets
✔ Sweet wrappers
✔ Paper towels and serviettes
✔ Coffee cups
✔ Polystyrene such as take away boxes, packaging foam sheets
No, thank you
✘ Chemicals
✘ Electrical items
Map of Recycling and Donation Points
We have many Donation and Recycling points across campus available all year round.
A-Z Guide
Check out A-Z Guide to find out what you can and can't recycle here. Have any questions?
Get in touch with the Waste & Recycling team:
- Via the Estates HelpDesk
Get in touch with the Energy and Sustainability Team: