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Wild Events

Alongside the Wild Warwick exhibition, there will be a series of Wild Events for staff and students to get involved with. These events aim to get you engaging with nature and exploring our campus.

Please see the table below which includes a list of these events:

Event name Location Date/Time Description Sign up link
Opening event FAB Agora Tuesday 7th January - 11-1pm Stalls on wildlife and wellbeing to learn more about local environmental groups will include: Warwickshire Wildlife Trust Youth Committee, Butterfly Conservation Youth Panel, Warwickshire Mammal Group, Warwickshire Bat Group, Leamington Hedgehog Group, Bee Friendly Leamington.

N/A - drop in

Talk and interactive activity by the Warwickshire Mammal Group


Wednesday 8th January - 11:30am-12:30pm

Learn more about mammals and how you can get involved with monitoring projects on and off campus.

Sign up

hereLink opens in a new window

Warwickshire Wildlife Trust - Hands on activity! FAB6.02 Tuesday 14th January - 1-2pm Creative and practical activity supporting nature with Warwickshire Wildlife Trust. More details coming soon. Sign up hereLink opens in a new window.
Wild Warwick Litter Pick TBC Wednesday 15th January - 12-1pm Help us protect campus wildlife through our monthly litter pick. Sign up hereLink opens in a new window.
The Climate & Ecological crisis - talk by the Warwickshire Wildlife Trust R1.15 Monday 20th January -
Ian Jelley, Director of Landscape Recovery at Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, will join us on campus to give this thought-provoking talk. Sign up hereLink opens in a new window.
Talk by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) R0.14 Wednesday 22nd January - 12-1pm Learn about birds, the RSPB's work and how to get involved with the Big Garden Birdwatch. Sign up hereLink opens in a new window.
Bug Hotel Making - 2024