17 Sustainable Development Goals of Christmas
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 goals that all UN member states have agreed to work towards achieving by 2030. The SDGs aim to be relevant to all countries and aim to promote prosperity while also protecting the environment and battling climate change. So, during the countdown to Christmas this year we would like to highlight each SDG and share how you can get involved locally and make Christmas a sustainable time of the year. Follow us on social media @WarwickUniSust to keep up with our countdown, learn about each of the SDGs and see our other tips to have a greener Christmas.
- End Poverty- End poverty in all its forms everywhere
LWS night shelter reverse advent calendar. LWS Night Shelter in Leamington is a shelter for the homeless and vulnerably housed people. From the 1st December they are starting the LWS Reverse Advent Calendar. This means that every day from the 1st - 24th December they will be posting an item they need for the shelter on their Instagram that you can add to a box, collect and then donate at the end of the 24 days.
- Zero hunger- End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Have bought too much food over this festive season or didn't like something new you were trying? Give it away to someone who needs it. You can use the Olio app to connect with neighbours or local businesses to share this food instead of throwing it away.
Alternatively, you can also donate to your local food bank. This December the Trussell Trust foodbank network faces giving out over 7,000 emergency food parcels a day. Can you help feed someone else this Christmas? Donate, volunteer or fundraise to show your support.
Feast! Food Festival is also a great way to learn about the food and customs that bring us all together over the festive season. From farm to fork, the events showcase the making, history and meaning behind lots of different festive foods and drinks, find out about ingredients, techniques and stories from Coventry and Warwickshire food and drink businesses and the wider community to celebrate what’s on the menu in our area.
- Good Health and Wellbeing- Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages
Although it is colder now going out for walks can be great for your physical and mental health. There are multiple walks and green spaces all can enjoy on campus and the local area. These walks take you through some of the natural areas on campus, which can help with your wellbeing.
You can also get in the festive spirit by taking part in the Myton Hospice’s Santa Dash in Leamington Spa. Dress up and run, jog or walk 5km for your local charity on 12th December. It’s good for your wellbeing and you’ll be supporting others.
- Quality Education- Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Are you completing a dissertation for your degree? Why not consider Research for Good? They offer an opportunity to collaborate on research that can contribute to the betterment of society and the environment. They help students and organisations connect to complete impactful research together.
If not try to educate yourself more on the environment and sustainability and this can be really easy! Try taking a break from the Christmas movie binge and watch David Attenborough’s ‘A Life on Our Planet’ to find out how every individual can play an important role in building a better future.
- Gender Equality- Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Period poverty has increased across the world, and this has been made worse during Covid-19. Sanitary products have a huge environmental impact with 1.5 billion period products being flushed down the toilet every year in the UK alone and these products can often contain toxic ingredients and plastics. You can read more about period poverty here, and get involved with the ActionAid Christmas appeal.
- Clean Water and Sanitation -Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
We have a number of Refill stations across campus that you can find using the refill app. We always encourage using reusable water bottles to not only reduce your single use plastic consumption but also save you money.
- Affordable and Clean Energy- Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy
Let's make sure we shut down as much as we can over Christmas and reduce our consumption. Before you go home for the holiday check the lights, equipment, projectors and computers - make sure whatever can be turned off is off.
- Decent Work and Economic Growth- Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
It's never been more important to shop locally and ethically to help support sustainable economic growth. Try buying gifts through small, local businesses this year where you can or shopping on sustainable websites such as Reyousable. This will help build your local community and strengthen your local economy, as well as provide a more personal gift. Find out more about how to lead a local, sustainable lifestyle in our Ethical Living Guide.
- Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure- Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation
Did you know that there are lots of zero waste shops in the area? They offer a variety of products from grocery items to cleaning products, and from toiletries to reusable period products. Clean Kilo in Birmingham, Zero and Core in Leamington Spa, Green Bean in Warwick, The Green Unicorn in Fargo Village, Coventry and the Food Co Op at Warwick University, are all places you can buy zero-waste products - and may be much cheaper than you think! Consider supporting these to help foster sustainable innovation.
- Reduced Inequalities- Reduce inequality within and among countries
Carriers of Hope is a local charity dedicated to helping asylum seekers, refugees and Eastern Europeans in the Coventry area. Show your support by volunteering or donating this Christmas. They are currently running a shoebox appeal for Christmas, to be able to give gifts to the all the families they support.
Also did you know that the University sets Equality Objectives every four years , in line with the University strategy and our duties under the Equality Act 2010 and the Public Sector Equality Duty. You can find out more online and read about the progress the university is making.
- Sustainable Cities and Communities- Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable
The University of Warwick committed to reaching Net Zero for indirect emissions by 2050 and transport and mobility is the biggest contributor to our carbon emissions. There are lots of fantastic ways to reduce your carbon emissions when getting both to and around Warwick Campus. We are also trialling new innovative ideas for the future. Check them out here to save money and reduce your carbon footprint.
Also consider more sustainable transport options for if you are travelling back home for Christmas. Did you know travelling by car emits around 4x the carbon emissions of a coach, and around 5x the carbon emissions by train, for the same distance? Help reduce your personal carbon footprint by travelling home using public transport, rather than getting your parents to pick you up!
- Responsible Consumption and Production- Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Everyone can play their part in reducing carbon emission by consuming less. When we consume less we use less resources, less transport and less energy. Christmas is a big time for over consumption. It’s estimated 7 million people will buy something new to wear to a party this year, around 7 million tonnes of food will be wasted and 227,000 miles of wrapping paper will be thrown away in the UK alone. We can all help to fight this though by consuming less, only buying what we need this year and shopping responsibly where possible, for example shopping locally and seasonally. The articles linked above also give some tips to reduce your waste.
Zero in Leamington Spa is also running a Festive Jumper Swap. They are accepting jumpers from now until the 22nd December, so if you have any old Christmas jumpers this year that you don’t wear post it to the event page, drop it off and Zero will find a new owner. If you don’t have anything to swap you can still donate to their food bank fund.
- Climate Action- Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Sign up to be a Green Champion / Get involved in Green Action. Did you know that there is a network of staff and students who are working to help make the University a greener, healthier, happier place to live, work and study? Join them by becoming a Green Champion and get involved in Green Action.
- Life Below Water- Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development
Every year the UK spends about £100m clearing an estimated 300,000 fatbergs made from congealed fats and waste we pour down the sink and flush down the loo. Remember to only flush the 3Ps - pee, poo and paper, to not only stop these blockages but stop the amount of plastic waste in our water system.
- Life on Land - Protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss
We currently have a lot of tree planting happening across campus at Claycroft field, Scarman and Cryfield residences. These include trees we’ve received through the Queens Green Canopy, encouraging people to ‘Plant a Tree for the Jubilee’. If you want to get involved with tree planting, Coventry City Council are planning to plant one tree for every citizen over the next 10 years and they have multiple planting dates in December.
We are also working towards a bronze certification as a Hedgehog Friendly Campus. To help with this you can help keep our campus clean and in the new year we are planning to organise regular litter picks that you could get involved with. The Plogging society also have regular litter picks that you can take part in.
- Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions- Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
In February 2020 the University of Warwick signed up to the SDG Accord and our second annual report on what we are doing to support achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals has now been released, you can read more about this here. The university is also holding an SDG discussion forum on 7th December at 2pm, which you can sign up for here.
- Partnerships for the Goals- Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development
Green Week is a time to celebrate the environment and to learn more about how we can all be more sustainable in our day-to-day lives. It will be taking place from 7th-13th March 2022 so follow @WarwickUniSust and the Green Week 2022 Facebook page to keep up to date with what’s going on and how you can get involved.