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Public Engagement Masterclass: Infotopia

Infotopia: How to create impactful infographics

Ready to engage audiences, drive change and unleash your impact?

E-Course - sign up and complete at any point between now and 31 July 2024

The bulk of the learning for this course is done through a self directed online E-course. This can be completed in your own time, however registration for the course must be completed ASAP.

You'll receive an email explaining how to access the course upon registration.

About the course:

The Problem

You’re a researcher or an academic with an important message to share that could change the world.

BUT you aren’t sure what to say or how to distill your research into messages that make policy makers, funders or businesses sit up and listen

AND you have no idea how to present that message persuasively, visually or engagingly to inspire action

The Solution

Infotopia training from Nifty Fox, will help you to define, design and deliver engaging visual stories that drive your audiences to action EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

You will learn the 3Ps of visual storytelling:


Using our storytelling matrix, you’ll have a framework for defining your why, understanding your audience and selecting narrative structures that consistently get results.


We’ll teach you everything we know about design theory, creating compelling visuals and the tools to do it so you can engage audiences visually.


We’ll share our frameworks for evaluating communication impact, so you know that your stories are reaching the right people, with the right message, at the right time.

The Result?

You’ll be a better communicator

You’ll have all the frameworks and tools to tell visual stories about your research that resonate with your audiences, from policy makers to Joe Public.

Audiences will care about your research

You’ll become a master storyteller, engaging emotionally with your audience which means they give a crap about how you want to change the world.

Caring leads to impact

Now your audience cares, they are more likely to give you that funding, invite you to that policy committee, or change their behaviour, in line with your research.

About the session lead

This session is being led by Nifty Fox. Their mission is to Engage audiences, unleash impact and drive change through visual storytelling. Find out more about them on their website.

This session is subject to our Training Cancellation Policy . Given the unusual nature of the course this will work slightly different to normal. Once registered you will have lifetime access to the course, however you must register by 31 July 2024 or the code will expire and the place is wasted, Warwick Institute of Engagement will have paid for a place that no one will be able to use. You will be able to cancel if you no longer want to do the course, but if you don't cancel and don't use the place we'll apply a strike to your record for the 24-25 Academic Year. We will send periodic reminders.

If you have already registered are no longer able to attend please contact as far in advance as possible so someone else can use your space.