David A. Selby
I am a PhD student in the Department of Statistics, University of Warwick, where I work under the supervision of Prof. David Firth. Previously I studied at the University of Edinburgh.
My research interests are in bibliometrics, using network theory and statistical modelling to measure the flow of influence in academic citation networks, as well as evaluation of research assessment.
Over summer 2016 I completed a two-month internship with the Alan Turing Institute in London, working on the Cloudy With a Chance of Pain project. Find out more in the articles "Big data and old wives’ tales" and "Cloudy with a chance of engagement". In summer–autumn 2018 I participated in a six-month internship at Google France, working as a quantitative analyst in the Advanced Measurement Technologies team.
Recent and upcoming talks
- 27 April 2016 — Measuring academic influence with the Scroogefactor
Café Academique, Warwick - 7 June 2016 — The Grammar of Graphics (slidesLink opens in a new window)
Young Researchers' Meeting, Warwick - 16 June 2016 — PageRank and the Bradley–Terry model
Research Students' Conference, Dublin - 6 September 2016 — PageRank and the Bradley–Terry model
RSS International Conference, Manchester - 27 September 2016 — Literate Programming in R Markdown (
WDSI/IAS Vacation School, Warwick - 11 October 2016 — The Scroogefactor: measuring academic influence
Young Researchers' Meeting, Warwick - 13 October 2016 — Chair: Café Research
Café Research, Warwick - 15 November 2016 — Becoming a Power R User
Young Researchers' Meeting, Warwick - 1–2 December 2016 — PageRank and the Bradley–Terry model (
IMA Conference on the Mathematical Challenges of Big Data, London - 5–7 July 2017 — Ranking influential communities in networks (poster)
useR!2017, Brussels - 10 October 2017 — Ranking influential communities in networks
Leverhulme Bridges Colloquium, Warwick - 14–16 April 2019 — Ecological regression, rankings and the REF
55th Gregynog Statistical Conference, Wales - 21 May 2019 — Social engineering and text generation without neural networks
Young Researchers' Meeting, Warwick - 2–5 September 2019 — How much of REF ‘research quality’ is really ‘journal reputation’?
RSS International Conference, Belfast - 25 September 2019 — Modelling research funding with R
Birmingham R User Group
- DA Selby (2017).
Cloudy with a chance of engagement. Significance 14(2), 10–11. DOI: 10.1111/j.1740-9713.2017.01013.x - KL Druce, J Mcbeth, SN Van Der Veer, DA Selby, B Vidgen, K Georgatzis, B Hellman, R Lakshminarayana, A Chowdhury, DM Schultz, C Sanders, JC Sergeant and WG Dixon (2017).
Recruitment and ongoing engagement in a UK smartphone study examining the association between weather and pain. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 75(11), e168. DOI: 10.2196/mhealth.8162
- Spring 2016 — ST202 Stochastic Processes
- 26–30 September 2016 — Principles and Practice of Data Analysis for Reproducible Research in R
- Autumn 2016 — ST220 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
- Spring 2017, 2019 — ST221 Linear Statistical Modelling
- Spring 2017 — ST104 Statistical Laboratory
- 11–15 September 2017 — Principles and Practice of Data Analysis for Reproducible Research in R
- APTS student representative, 2015–16
- Alan Turing Institute intern, summer 2016
- Young Researchers' Meeting committee, 2016–17
- PhD representative to IT committee, 2016–17
- Welfare and Communications committee, 2017–18
- Honorary secretary of RSS West Midlands Local Group, 2016–18
- Organiser, Warwick R User Group
Mailing address
Department of Statistics
University of Warwick