Wiji Arulampalam

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Full name:
Sowmya Wijayambal Arulampalam
(nee Narendranathan)
Contact details
Fax:+44 (0)24 765 23032
Email: Wiji.Arulampalam@warwick.ac.uk
A quick summary of 40 years of my life at Warwick at retirementLink opens in a new window
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Emeritus Professor of Economics
- Research Fellow - Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn, Germany.
- Research Associate - CAGE, Warwick, UK.
- Editorial Board - Foundations and Trends in Econometrics
Research Interests - Applied Econometrics
- Econometrics, and applications in Development, Education, Health, Labour, Medicine, and Public Economics.
Recent Publications (since 2014; for others see my CV - link on the left)
- Can Information about Jobs Improve the Effectiveness of Vocational Training? Experimental Evidence from India (with Bhaskar ChakravortyLink opens in a new window, Apurav BhatiaLink opens in a new window, Clément ImbertLink opens in a new window, and Roland RathelotLink opens in a new window). [Funding from I
nternational Growth Centre, EQUIP-ESRC, CAGE, and Economics Department at the University of Warwick ]. Journal of Development Economics, 2024. Open access - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdeveco.2024.103273Link opens in a new window - Measuring maternal autonomy and its effect on child nutrition in rural India. (Wiji Arulampalam, Anjor Bhaskar and Nisha Srivastava). Online AppendixLink opens in a new window. Economica, 2024, Open access. Link opens in a new window[An earlier version circulated as - Does greater autonomy among women provide the key to better child nutrition?][ESRC funded]
- Intercept Estimation in non-linear Selection Models, (Wiji Arulampalam, Valentina Corradi, and Daniel Gutknecht). (2023). Econometric Theory. Open access: Paper.
- Tax progressivity and self-employment dynamics. (Wiji Arulampalam and Andrea Papini). Review of Economics and Statistics. (2023) Open access. https://doi.org/10.1162/rest_a_01046 Link opens in a new windowSupplementary material. PaperLink opens in a new window & supplementary material.Link opens in a new window
- Taxes and the location of targets. (Arulampalam, Wiji, Michael P. Devereux , Federica Liberini). Journal of Public Economics, (2019). Vol. 176, p.161-178. (ESRC funded). Paper. (ESRC funded). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpubeco.2019.05.005Link opens in a new window
- The effect of health care expenditure on patient outcomes: Evidence from English neonatal care. (Watson, S. I., Arulampalam, W., Petrou, S.). Health Economics. (2017) Online 12th May. 1–11. . https://doi.org/10.1002/hec.3503
- Modelling heaped durations: an application to neonatal mortality. (Wiji Arulampalam, Valentina Corradi and Daniel Gutknecht). Volume 200, Issue 2, October 2017, Pages 363-377 Journal of Econometrics. Supplementary material.
- The effects of a one to one nurse to patient ratio on the mortality rate in neonatal intensive care: A retrospective, longitudinal, population-based study (Watson, S. I., Arulampalam, W., Petrou, S., Marlow, N., Morgan, A.S., Draper, E.S., Modi, N.). Archives of Disease in Childhood. (2016). PaperLink opens in a new window. On-line Appendices. Journal editorialLink opens in a new window. Journal Press Release 10th Feb 2016.
- The effects of designation and volume of neonatal care on mortality and morbidity outcomes of very preterm infants in England: Retrospective population-based cohort study (Watson, S. I., Arulampalam, W., Petrou, S., Marlow, N., Morgan, A.S., Draper, E.S., Modi, N.). British Medical Journal Open. (2014). On-line Appendix A- Methodology; Appendix B- extra tables.
- Unofficial Development Assistance: a dynamic model of charities donation income (With Arulampalam, Peter G Backus and John Micklewright). Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. Volume 77, Issue 2, pages 191–209, April 2015.
Stata software code
Heap: A command for estimating discrete outcome variable models in the presence of heaping at known points. (Zizhong Yan, Wiji Arulampalam, Valentina Corradi, and Daniel Gutknecht); forthcoming STATA journal.
Working Papers (Recent)
View a list of other working papers.
Current and Recent PhD students
- Ruoxi Pan (with Lazaros Andronis) Warwick Medical School.
- Maria Garcia Rosa - Visiting student from Brazil (with Sonia Bhalotra).
- Recently completed: Bhaskar Chakravorty (2022); Andrea Papini (2018); Divya Deepthi (2018); Mario Sanclemente (2016); Sam Watson (2014); Federica Liberini (2013); Artemisa Flores (2013); Marco Alfano (2012); Yu Aoki (2012); Daniel Gutknecht (2012); Francesco Porcelli (2012) ; Rafael Sanchez (2012); Peter Backus (2011); Asako Ohinata (2011).