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Wiji Arulampalam

Emeritus Professor of Economics


Research Interests - Applied Econometrics

  • Econometrics, and applications in Development, Education, Health, Labour, Medicine, and Public Economics.

Recent Publications (since 2014; for others see my CV - link on the left)

Stata software code

Heap: A command for estimating discrete outcome variable models in the presence of heaping at known points. (Zizhong Yan, Wiji Arulampalam, Valentina Corradi, and Daniel Gutknecht); forthcoming STATA journal.

Working Papers (Recent)

Current and Recent PhD students

  • Ruoxi Pan (with Lazaros Andronis) Warwick Medical School.
  • Maria Garcia Rosa - Visiting student from Brazil (with Sonia Bhalotra).
  • Recently completed: Bhaskar Chakravorty (2022); Andrea Papini (2018); Divya Deepthi (2018); Mario Sanclemente (2016); Sam Watson (2014); Federica Liberini (2013); Artemisa Flores (2013); Marco Alfano (2012); Yu Aoki (2012); Daniel Gutknecht (2012); Francesco Porcelli (2012) ; Rafael Sanchez (2012); Peter Backus (2011); Asako Ohinata (2011).