Matteo Icardi
Dr Matteo IcardiWarwick Zeeman Lecturer I have now moved to the University of Nottingham Email: matteo dot icardi at warwick dot ac dot uk
Affiliations and groups:
Teaching Responsibilities 2017/18:
Research Interests:
- Transport in random heterogeneous media (mixing and dispersion, numerical homogenisation and upscaling, multiscale methods)
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (complex geometries, turbulence models, interphase tracking, PDF methods)
- Particulate processes (population balance, aggregation/coagulation processes, quadrature-based moment methods)
- Uncertainty Quantification (Bayesian inference, multilevel Monte Carlo sampling, quadrature/collocation methods)
- High-Performance Computing
- Applied Industrial Mathematics
- Lithium-ion batteries and electrochemical flows
Upcoming events:
- 3-7 April 2017: Numerical Analysis for PDEs, Warwick.
- 8 - 11 May 2017: mini-symposium on Advances in the application of periodic and stochastic homogenisation to transport models and multi-physics simulation in porous media, INTERPORE annual meeting, Rotterdam.
- 15-19 May 2017: INdAM Workshop on Innovative Mathematical Models and Methods for Industrial Applications, Rome.
- 4-8 September 2017: European Study Group with Industry (ESGI), Warwick.
- 7-8 September 2017: INTERPORE UK annual meeting, Warwick.
- 4-9 September 2017: European Study Group with Industries (ESGI), Warwick.
- 11-14 September 2017: Advances in periodic and stochastic homogenisation, SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences, Erlangen.
- 18-22 September 2017: session on Electrokinetic and electrochemical flows for batteries and fuel cells: analysis, simulation, upscaling, ACOMEN 2017, Ghent.
Past events:
- 30 November 2015: MIR@W day Modelling and simulation of electrochemical flows in Lithium-ion batteries, Warwick
- 5-10 January 2016: 4th annual workshop on Advances in Uncertainty Quantification Methods, Algorithms and Applications (UQAW 2016), KAUST
- 13-15 January 2016: PMPM (Porous Media - Processes and Mathematics) annual meeting / Interpore UK chapter meeting, Edinburgh
- 9-11 May 2016: Minisymposium on Uncertainty Quantification in Porous Media Simulations, Interpore annual meeting, Cincinnati
- 14-16 June 2016: Workshop Multiscale phenomena in electrochemical and porous systems, Warwick
- 20-24 June 2016: Minisymposium on Advances in Experimental Techniques, Validation of Modelling Tools and Uncertainty in Predictions from Pore to Field Scale, Computational Methods in Water Resources, Toronto
- 4-8 July 2016: International Conference PDESOFT 2016 and OpenFOAM hack days, Warwick
- VERMA R., ICARDI M., PRODANOVIC M., Effect of wettability on two-phase displacement: validation of pore scale modeling approaches, preprint.
- BOCCARDO G., CREVACORE E., SETHI R., ICARDI M, A robust upscaling of the effective particle deposition rate in porous media, accepted.
- RUSSO A., ICARDI M., ELSHARKAWY M., CEGLIA D., ASINARI P., MEGARIDIS C., Numerical simulation of droplet impact on complex surfaces, preprint.
- ICARDI M., BOCCARDO G., TEMPONE R., On the predictivity of pore-scale simulations: estimating uncertainties with multilevel Monte Carlo, Advances in Water Resources, 2016.
- ICARDI M., BOCCARDO G., MARCHISIO D. L., SETHI R., TOSCO T., Pore-scale simulation of fluid flow and solute dispersion in three-dimensional porous media, Physical Review E, 2014.
- ICARDI, M., RONCO G., MARCHISIO D. L., LABOIS M., Efficient simulation of gas-liquid pipe flows with the population balance model, Applied Mathematical Modeling, 2014.
- ICARDI M, MARCHISIO D.L., NARAYANAN C., FOX R.O., Equilibrium Eulerian LES Model for Poly-disperse Particle-Laden Channel Flow, International Journal of Nonlinear Science and Simulations, 2013.
- ICARDI M, ASINARI P, IZQUIERDO S, MARCHISIO D., Quadrature–based moment closures for non–equilibrium flows: hard–sphere collisions and approach to equilibrium, Journal of Computational Physics, 2012.
- DENARO, F.; ABBÁ, A.; GERMANO, M.; ICARDI, M.; MARCHISIO, D. L.; ROLFO, S.; LAMPITELLA, P.; COLOMBO, E.; INZOLI, F.; APROVITOLA, A.; MARRA, F.S.; IOVIENO, M., TORDELLA, D., A comparative test for assessing the performances of large-eddy simulation codes, In: XX AIMETA conference proceedings, 2011.
- ICARDI M., GAVI E., MARCHISIO D.L., OLSEN M. G., FOX R.O., LAKEHAL D., Validation of LES predictions for turbulent flow in a Confined Impinging Jets Reactor, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2011.
- ICARDI M., GAVI E., MARCHISIO D. L., BARRESI A. A., OLSEN M. G., FOX R. O., LAKEHAL D., Investigation of the flow field in a three-dimensional Confined Impinging Jets Reactor by means of microPIV and DNS, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2011.
- ICARDI, M.; CAVIEZEL, D.; LAKEHAL, D. The Immersed Surfaces Technology for Reliable and Fast Setup of Microfluidics Simulation Problems. In: NSTI Nanotech Conference, Boston. 2008..