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Walk Talk Walk launched at the University of Warwick Campus

In June this year, Coventry got its first Walk Talk Walk global organisation called Run Talk Run, which was founded by Jess Robson in London in December 2017. The idea was to make movement and wellbeing support less intimidating and more accessible in the communities. Since then, the initiative has spread across the UK and worldwide, with over 160 walking and running peer groups available.

A few of the staff members at the University of Warwick learnt about the work Run Talk Run do and wanted to start a similar group in the local area.

What is Walk Talk Walk?

"All the groups share the same purpose, to a create friendly and welcoming environment where you can meet new people and chat about anything and everything. Spending time outdoors while doing physical exercise is not only a great mood booster, but many people also find it easier to open up and connect with others when walking or running. It is okay to talk about the bad days, the good days, or not talk all if you don’t feel like it. The groups do not offer therapy or advice, but focus on compassionate, non-judgmental peer support - everyone listens and is listened to."

How does it work?

The walks take place every Thursday evening at 18:30, starting from the Warwick Sports and Wellness Hub. The routes are planned around the campus area and are usually 3 to 5k long, taking about an hour to complete. At the beginning, the walk leaders welcome everyone and ensure that no one is left behind during the walk.

To take part, just register via myCrew app - all the walks are free and open to everyone. Within the app, you can also find information about the walking and running group organised in other locations. If you would like to know more about Walk Talk Walk or have further questions, you can contact the walk leaders via wtw dot warwickuni at gmail dot com or Instagram.